All the more reason for the university to detach RCAF from the UL Foundation and hire the professional fundraiser they have been dragging their feet on. It's going to take a big increase in both the number of donors and the amount given to generate the funds needed to increase salaries for Robe, Lotief, their staffs and secure the money for Phases 2 & 3 of the facilities plan. Hired gun contractors like Pursuant and their 229 mid-level donors is not going to cut it. We need a guy working for RCAF and RCAF alone with experience and connections throughout college and pro sports who can bring in new donors, big money and corporate dollars to get us to where we want to be. TJoe needs to find his sack, be a decisive leader and hire the guy. Tell the academics that don't like it to Please or resign. I'm sure their are plenty of Doctors of English Lit that would be willing to fill any vacant teaching positions at UL and be happy about the direction of the university. Go teach at Toolame if you want to work at a place that devalues athletics. (that worked out real good for them.