Good article. But, we are not a regional university. We are a statewide university, per the legislature.
Good article. But, we are not a regional university. We are a statewide university, per the legislature.
Eat it Lake (up)Chuck!!!
Epic meltdown by a big booster on Can't miss thread, under general, perception. Dude lives in Lafayette which makes it sweeter. I'd join the site and invite him to donate his 50k here, but I don't want to be an accessory to a suicide...
Last edited by ZoomZoom; June 15th, 2014 at 08:30 pm. Reason: They can't quit us....
Is the post youre referring to in the, "why not McNeese? Why not Lake Charles" thread? Not the "perception" thread?
Nevermind, i see it now on the "perception" thread. Hahahaha! Wow! Well he melted down on my aforementioned thread as well. Dudes gonna bust a blood vessel! If youre reading this roamingpoke, and you get fed up......welcome aboard! Come support a winner! We'll gladly use your dollars to their fullest potential!!!
The absurdity in these "wake up xyz"... is they truly didn't believe that we (UL) were never truly attempting to be prominent in athletics. We had no administrative fire to be prominent. But, we were always way more capable than all state schools other than LSU. We would tell them so, but not prove it on the field... so they just figured we were just like the rest of them. I explained it quite a few years ago that, for instance, Tech is a 4 cylinder engine that absolutely maximized performance out of their 4 cylinders. UL, on the other hand (due to several factors, most of which are related to Lafayette's economy and unique culture) have at our disposal a 12 cylinder engine. We never ever attempted to do anything but run but 3 unsynchronized cylinders.
Today, we are but a small fraction of our potential. But, at least we flexed a little of that potential. Hud, in fact, is ahead of plan. He is 100x his expected output. Realistically, we are using a small amount of fan excitement financing, coupled with a dynamic football coach, and we're already making strides.
This isn't a "surprise". And it certainly wasn't difficult. All it really involved was getting out of the way of gravity. And the only thing keeping more cylinders from firing for us is to get the administration to just follow the advice given by the brighter people in the room, and let gravity keep moving us in our rightful direction.
Keep allowing the machine to scream. The natural state for this raging machine is to be screaming. It doesn't whimper, it doesn't apologize, it doesn't back off... the machine rages.
T-Joe, don't ask for permission and don't ask for forgiveness. Just rage!
50,000 person edge?
Lafayette MSA - 479,116
Lake Charles MSA - 202,040
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