Live tiles are a key part of the Start screen and the modern experience of Windows. They provide up-to-date content and notifications. Live tiles embody the Microsoft design principle of being fast and fluid. Users can see updates and real-time information from their apps all from their Start Screen, enabling them to quickly review new information and engage with apps even before they open the apps. A tile is an app’s representation on the Start screen and it can be either static or live. A static tile displays the default content, which is generally a full-tile logo image. A live tile, however, can present new and valuable content that invites the user to re-engage with your app. You can implement either a simple badge or live tile notifications to draw in your users. Even though Live Tiles show dynamic content, you cannot interact with them. Microsoft Research is working on ways to include interactivity to Live Tiles. In the video demo below, they show a huge Live Tiles which has...
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Microsoft News