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Thread: DE Wilford Journet

  1. #25

    Default Re: DE Wilford Journet

    Quote Originally Posted by Cowboy Up View Post
    Deal with it, Astro!! And the last I heard, this was a public board where opinions are like @$$holes. . . . .everybody has one!!
    This is OUR board. I don't have to deal with anything.

    You are not on our schedule this year. (and I really wish you were so that we could put this all to bed).

    I think the point that Boomer was making was that transfer rule (along with your lower academic standards) give you an unnatural advantage. And this is EXACTLY the discussion that I didn't want to have.

    Tell me something. Do you get an email every time your precious 'lil school gets mentioned here or you just nosy?

  2. #26

    Default Re: DE Wilford Journet

    Quote Originally Posted by AstroCajun View Post
    You are not on our schedule this year. (and I really wish you were so that we could put this all to bed).
    Why would we want McNeese on our schedule this year? So BUSTle could lose to them again by 21?

  3. #27

    Default Re: DE Wilford Journet

    Quote Originally Posted by AstroCajun View Post
    Tell me something. Do you get an email every time your precious 'lil school gets mentioned here or you just nosy?
    I have just as much "right" to be here as anybody else. As a matter of fact, I donate to the UL Foundation and hold season tickets to UL Baseball. I live in the Lafayette community, attended UL, and am a firm believer in the goals and leadership of Tony Robichaux who is a McNeese alumnus.

    "Nosy" - NO! A passing interest and support of UL baseball yes!

    You are right, though! This is "your" board and "your" kool-aid. . .so drink up. I'll go back and support my precious lil school while I sit back and learn what not to do by watching your football program implode on itself. UL will eventually rid itself of Bustle and you guys will swallow your pride and probably throw money at our very own Matt Viator and he will teach everyone over here how to win!!

    BTW, you have a nice quote on the bottom of your posts. If you could really follow that saying by Coach Wooden. . .you could be well on your way to solving a lot of your problems.

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