Agreed Hammer.
A 1.5 GPA is a joke. But what it all boils down to is this. If he makes the eligibility requirements, he is allowed to play. The coaches and principals are following the rules laid out by the LHSAA. At the end of the day, the coaches main job is to take care of his own family. He has to do that by keeping his job. How does he keep his job? By winning football games. How does he win football games? By putting his most talented players on the field.
It is entirely possible for a kid to receive a sub par education, but have parents that won't accept failure. I know kids that have been in this situation at terrible schools with terrible teachers and have gone on to graduate from college and lead very successful lives. They achieved this because of their superior parenting.
So what does all this mean. Wilford Journet's fate lies in the hands of Wilford Journet's parents during his childhood and in his own during his adult life. Once you leave home for college, you are an adult and you must take accountability for your own actions. If he can't hack the schoolwork, then find some help and get it done. Don't fail and start to blame everyone but yourself. I'm not saying that he is blaming anyone, but a previous poster wanted to lay blame on everyone but Ricky Bustle.
So if you want to blame his parents, blame them. But don't come after educators that are responsible for hundreds of graduates each year. If he is their only failure from that year then, oh well. They did good.