_ Everyone needs to realize that all assistant coaches play the musical chairs game, no matter the size of the program. They work at the pleasure of the head coach, who may or may not be a horses butt and they constantly move to enhance their resume and improve their knowledge. The depth of any head coaches' horses-butt mentality and the assistant's network of friends and peers usually dictates his frequency of moving. Since most of them are ADD

, they are hard to hold down in one place anyway. Also, there are more of them than available top jobs, which makes it easy for a head coach to move em in and out so quickly. To think we will ever attract and keep a stable full of top assistants at any price is unrealistic and if we think we will keep top assistants when the majors can't do it is even more pie in the sky reasoning. As for giving someone a raise for doing thier job, make sure performance consistentcy is present before doing that. Consistent 6-6, 5-7, 7-5 records meets expectations and warrants no raise. Consistent 8-4, 9-3, 10-2 seasons EXCEED expectations and DO warrant a raise.
Getting back to the original 1st post in this thread, its author needs to find something better to do with his time than be critical of those he cannot control. Sadly, he has a history of undermining the staff and administration with his negative rants, and would probably not be pleased if Jesus Christ came back and coached the football team. When he donates a FULL 10% of his INCOME to his favorite football and track sports, then maybe more peeps will listen to those rants. Those putting their money where their mouth is have credibility, and they have a better shot at a reserved, deserved, and bonafide spot in the __________e_r_'s bleachers. If we listened and reacted to every other former Cajun walk-on with similar negative rants, we'd really be in bad shape. _