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Thread: Need the old bulldog logo.

  1. #1

    Default Need the old bulldog logo.

    Hey all. I am getting married in December and I'd like to have the logo of the old USL Bulldog from the 90's as my groom's cake. Yep, just like the one above next to my name. Unfortunately the pic up top is just too small for the cake lady to do anything with it. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

  2. Default Re: Need the old bulldog logo.

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    _ Hey all. I am getting married in December and I'd like to have the logo of the old USL Bulldog from the 90's as my groom's cake. _
    Congratulations. December is a good month.

    Like the one that eventually rolls around at the top of the website?

    If so I can help.

    Geaux Cajuns

  3. #3

    Default Re: Need the old bulldog logo.

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    _ Hey all. I am getting married in December and I'd like to have the logo of the old USL Bulldog from the 90's as my groom's cake. Yep, just like the one above next to my name. Unfortunately the pic up top is just too small for the cake lady to do anything with it. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks! _
    Wish I could help but I only have one from the 60's and it's on the side of a beer mug made out of a giant piece of bamboo and it won't peel off. Maybe you can find one in an old year book. Good luck in Dec.

  4. #4

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Need the old bulldog logo.

    this brings to mind something my friends and i have talking about for years. why don't we begin a tradition for ul athletics by bringing back the bulldog as our unofficial mascot. it would be fun to see some of the possibilities. we would remain the cajuns, but with some of our past in the form of a modern tradition. just a thought to toss (out) around.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Need the old bulldog logo.

    Yes! Thats the one. Its the same one next to my name. Do you have a pic?

  6. Default Re: Need the old bulldog logo.

    Here you go.

    Please include on the weddingcake.


    Attached Images Attached Images  

    Geaux Cajuns

  7. #7

    Default Re: Need the old bulldog logo.

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    _ Here you go.

    Please include on the weddingcake.

    Turbine, you are one incredible individual!! I mean that sincerely. Wish I had even half of your talent and grey matter.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Need the old bulldog logo.

    At one time in the early 90's, that bulldog head was on the concrete slab next to the tunnel exit onto the field. Marc Leblanc LB 93 and I drew it at the request of Coach Sheridan and it was painted before the 93 season. We originally drew a mean looking Bulldog, but it wasn't approved and had to go with the one pictured above.

  9. Default Re: Need the old bulldog logo.

    Thanks CajunCharlie.

    cajun4ever you did a great job, you and Marc.

    Let me tell you how I came to have a semblance of your drawing. . . .

    Sometime between 1994 and1997 a girl walks into my shop (I used to own ArtCar in Abbeville) she has a small drawing of your bulldog and asks me to enlarge it and cut a vinyl sticker for her to put on her windshield. I agree but it takes many hours because enlarging the small drawing magnifies ink bleeds.

    I enlarge it, clean it up, digitize it, and cut it; (I don't recall actually installing it though) she never told me it was based on a drawing by a guy from Abbeville.

    So a belated "Good Job" cajun4ever.

    Geaux Cajuns

  10. Default Re: Need the old bulldog logo.

    Damn Turbine that is where I fist saw you---I think ---was that the place on Charity--Think I needed something for a dashboard!!!!

  11. Default Re: Need the old bulldog logo.

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    _ Damn Turbine that is where I fist saw you---I think ---was that the place on Charity--Think I needed something for a dashboard!!!! _
    Didn't you have a 1990 or 91 Ford F-250?

    If that was you, a Bulldog would have looked good on the windshield

    Geaux Cajuns

  12. #12

    Default Re: Need the old bulldog logo.

    Hey check it out a mascot that uses our school colors

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