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Thread: Telling It Like It Is

  1. Default Telling It Like It Is

    What’s really in a name anyway.

    Louisiana will have a basketball team in the big dance, though not everybody will rally behind the team.

    Nor does anybody really know what to call it, either.

    The team from Lafayette, which wants to be called the University of Louisiana will have to settle for representing the state in the upcoming NCAA tournament.

    No matter what you want to call the Ragin Cajuns, you have to a least realize what is going on down the road in Lafayette and admire it.

    Louisiana-Lafayette, or for our purposes ULL, has seen a growth spurt that is leaving other institutions envious

  2. Default Re: Telling It Like It Is

    tons of passive aggressiveness in this article

  3. #3

    UL Basketball Re: Telling It Like It Is

    I wrote a respond to the Kelly lady who posted...."let's all get along BS" that I am tired of hearing, but I guess the website did not publish it.

    Oxygen wasting idiotic!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Telling It Like It Is

    I responded also. I have not seen it posted yet, but it may have to go through an approval system. In other words, if Jim feels it doesn't make him look too bad, he will post it.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Telling It Like It Is

    "It’s clearly not the top school in the state, but it’s just as clear that ULL has become Louisiana’s second banana."

    Begrudging praise. And while he isn't saying everything we LIKE to hear, he is telling everybody else what they DON'T WANT to hear.

    There is a speck in our rearview window that is getting is smaller.

    We may not like the use of multiple "L"s but the the guy has put Ruston and Lake Charles and Monroe and Hammond, et. al. on notice.

    And that message isn't, "Its LSU, then UL/Tech/UNO, then everybody else."

    The message is, "Its LSU, then UL, THEN Tech/UNO, then everybody else."

  6. #6

    Default Re: Telling It Like It Is

    Just imagine a few more years of non-stop winning from all programs... things could really take off for name recognition.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Telling It Like It Is

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun Monkee View Post
    "It’s clearly not the top school in the state, but it’s just as clear that ULL has become Louisiana’s second banana."

    Begrudging praise. And while he isn't saying everything we LIKE to hear, he is telling everybody else what they DON'T WANT to hear.

    There is a speck in our rearview window that is getting is smaller.

    We may not like the use of multiple "L"s but the the guy has put Ruston and Lake Charles and Monroe and Hammond, et. al. on notice.

    And that message isn't, "Its LSU, then UL/Tech/UNO, then everybody else."

    The message is, "Its LSU, then UL, THEN Tech/UNO, then everybody else."
    The entire article is written through clenched teeth...

  8. #8

    Default Re: Telling It Like It Is

    LMAO......on the money Hawk.....some are beginning to see what is barreling down the road straight at them....both Academically and Athletically

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    The entire article is written through clenched teeth...
    Who do you think should have a bigger problem with what he is saying?


    Or Ruston/lake chuck/Mahnrow?

    Seems to me he's pecker-slapping some people in the face with reality.

  10. Default Re: Telling It Like It Is

    My bucket list just got shorter. I thought I'd never see the day anything positive about UL would come out the LC American Mess. Guess his buddy Jim Beam (who along with Cliffy and the Lamar Advertising guy fought UL) must have a full Depends by now.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Telling It Like It Is

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun Monkee View Post
    Who do you think should have a bigger problem with what he is saying?


    Or Ruston/lake chuck/Mahnrow?

    Seems to me he's pecker-slapping some people in the face with reality.
    Oh I agree...but the writer of said article was under great emotional stress while writing it.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    Oh I agree...but the writer of said article was under great emotional stress while writing it.

    His testes are in a vice grip that we are in control of. And we're not being mean in exerting pressure. It's just our momentum and their lack thereof causing his anguish.

    Our appreciation for Newtons 3rd law escapes them. And the result is his emasculation.

    We see it.

    He sees it.

    It's just the God's honest truth.

    And it causes him great discomfort because they can't handle the truth.

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