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Thread: Warning: more name stuff

  1. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by MakoMaker View Post
    I just have to roll my eyes at this. Total garbage.

    As far as the being known 'nationally' as UL...won't happen. Ever. Louisville has it tied up and ESPN and the others wouldn't allow it to be an issue. We need to go back to USL and be done with it.
    Poor Louisville has the opposite problem.

    They want to be known as U "of" L

  2. Default Re: Warning: more name stuff

    ugh! its sad that many of you will never realize no matter what the school name is UL will never be the flagship university, teir 1 school, or athletic power house. period. if you all put this much passion into the athletic program everyone in college sports would know who UL is. instead the athletics simply suck and your still known as UL-L

  3. #39

    Default Re: Warning: more name stuff

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun_tiger View Post
    _ ugh! its sad that many of you will never realize no matter what the school name is UL will never be the flagship university, teir 1 school, or athletic power house. period. if you all put this much passion into the athletic program everyone in college sports would know who UL is. instead the athletics simply suck and your still known as UL-L _
    Thank you for the kind words, so constructive. Man why do UL fans not like most LSU fans.....I just can't figure it out......I guess that UL education just isn't good enough.

  4. Default Re: Warning: more name stuff

    truth hurts. i have an education from both schools so i ben on both sides of the fence. while at UL all i heard was crys...lsu this...lsu that. the blame lies with in your school Brah! not lsu. UL fans stay so focused on trying to bring down the so called evil empire that its consumed you all and is actually bringing down your own university, but most UL fans will never see it.

    it seems like a trend at UL...putting the blame on everyone but the university. waaaaaaa, lsu is the flagship university, waaaaaaa its the independence bowls fault we didnt get the bid. for god sakes MAN UP.

  5. Default Re: Warning: more name stuff

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun_tiger View Post
    waaaaaaa its the independence bowls fault we didnt get the bid. for god sakes MAN UP. _
    Excuse me it is their right to invite who they wish and just because they made the wrong decision does not mean it is a man up situation. At the time we were debating the situation as it presented itself. Sure another win and they have no choice, but since you are attracting the discussion there is no man up involved, so why do you bring it to the table?

    If on the other hand you are attacking the administration, I think that bridge has already been crossed. On the third hand if you are attacking the discussion of history then your blast has no value because it is well documented that outside influences affected all the issues raised.


    Geaux Cajuns

  6. #42

    Default Re: Warning: more name stuff

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun_tiger View Post
    _ truth hurts. i have an education from both schools so i ben on both sides of the fence. while at UL all i heard was crys...lsu this...lsu that. the blame lies with in your school Brah! not lsu. UL fans stay so focused on trying to bring down the so called evil empire that its consumed you all and is actually bringing down your own university, but most UL fans will never see it.

    it seems like a trend at UL...putting the blame on everyone but the university. waaaaaaa, lsu is the flagship university, waaaaaaa its the independence bowls fault we didnt get the bid. for god sakes MAN UP. _
    Well "Brah" you may have "ben" to both schools but it's pretty transparent as to where your allegiance is. We as fans know where the University stands. This is simply a educated discussion as to what we can do to move forward as a University and athletic program. As an educated person, you should understand that the people make the University. BUT the attitude of we (UL fans) should just sit back and accept that we are a no good athletic program is simply not an option. You are 100% correct that UL fans tend to look for someone to blame, I hate it just as much as you.

    Answer this for me, why shouldn't UL be able to use the University of Louisiana? Everyone knows LSU is the flagship school in LA. I don't think you will ever see anyone claim that UL is trying to be a flagship school. So what is the harm? I agree that UL needs to look in the mirror for its own deficiency. So why not let UL be UL? If the University and athletic program is so inept as you swear we are, then you are just wasting your time worrying about it.

  7. Default Re: Warning: more name stuff

    haha you just proved my point. that is all, thanks....bait and catch!

  8. #44

    Default Re: Warning: more name stuff

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun_tiger View Post
    _ haha you just proved my point. that is all, thanks....bait and catch! _
    I'm still trying to figure out what your point was....but okay. That's your best retort? I can already tell i'm dealing with a very educated individual. (note: sarcasm)

    "Your out of your element Donnie."

  9. #45

    Default Re: Warning: more name stuff

    Quote Originally Posted by ULtimateCajun View Post
    _ I'm still trying to figure out what your point was....but okay. That's your best retort? I can already tell i'm dealing with a very educated individual. (note: sarcasm)

    "Your out of your element Donnie." _
    this poster is a nihilist, donnie, there's nothing to be afraid of.

  10. #46

    Default Re: Warning: more name stuff

    Quote Originally Posted by Sonsissymia View Post
    _ this poster is a nihilist, donnie, there's nothing to be afraid of. _

  11. #47

    Default Re: Warning: more name stuff

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun_tiger View Post
    _ ugh! its sad that many of you will never realize no matter what the school name is UL will never be the flagship university, teir 1 school, or athletic power house. period. if you all put this much passion into the athletic program everyone in college sports would know who UL is. instead the athletics simply suck and your still known as UL-L _
    Cajun Tiger...your back....getting to hot under that rock???

  12. #48

    Default Re: Warning: more name stuff

    Quote Originally Posted by MissingMandy View Post
    _ Cajun Tiger...your back....getting to hot under that rock??? _
    He's got a baseball team going to Omaha but he's worried about our name......go figre.

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