Just to bring things to order. Deon status is not up in the air, he will be on the field,he was having some family problems and needed some time away from football to get it all togather. Next Louis Beal is a great get. He is 6`2 210 and runs 4.5 in the forty. We must rember when TF got hurt last year and Deon was a little banged up we had to go to Levier. Now this gives us 3 good tailbacks. Also I talked to Coach Jenkins at the football event this weekend and when I asked him about Beal he responed with a smile and stated that this is the best he has felt about his backfild in a long time and that he cant wait to put his guys into action. This was a long way from his normal response of a stern look and the words time will tell or we will have to wait and see. I also think he recruited Beal as well does anyone know. If so this just adds to the crop of guys( all good players) he has recruited since he has been here.