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Thread: Name People will love this

  1. #13

    Default Re: Name People will love this

    ESPN, part of the dummying down of America, Lafayette Leopards, REALLY. Maybe they are big Lafayette Leopards fans and just trying to get them some pub!

  2. #14

    Default Re: Name People will love this

    I sent an e-mail to Karl and T-Joe with the link to the Lunardi's preview and pointed out the repeated (NO Bowl) logo and nickname error as evidence of the importance of the name is due. No response from TJoe as of yet and Karl only seems to care about convincing me that I "just don't understand" how this name issue works. Apparently Karl doesn't care that ESPN continues to screw up the name and logo of the conference's post season representative. But hey, the good news is there are some nice golf courses around San Antonio!!!!!

  3. #15
    Zeebart21's Avatar Zeebart21 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Name People will love this

    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    I sent an e-mail to Karl and T-Joe with the link to the Lunardi's preview and pointed out the repeated (NO Bowl) logo and nickname error as evidence of the importance of the name is due. No response from TJoe as of yet and Karl only seems to care about convincing me that I "just don't understand" how this name issue works. Apparently Karl doesn't care that ESPN continues to screw up the name and logo of the conference's post season representative. But hey, the good news is there are some nice golf courses around San Antonio!!!!!
    I never anticipated getting someone worse than Tubby Waters. BTW, your email to Tjoe will be  ed in the trash bin.


  4. #16

    Default Re: Name People will love this

    I like the fact that you beat the no 1&2 teams in a tournament that was rigged for 1&2 to meet in the finals but you sneak into the big dance just friggin amazing. Oh and you have no chance to win guess I better play the lottery at least I have a chance to win. GEAUX CAJUNS.

  5. #17

    Default Re: Name People will love this

    ESPN does this on purpose. It's not laziness. If it was laziness they would do it to other mid majors who they do not have a vested interest in. I have never heard them butcher Fresno State's name like calling them Cal State Fresno or Cal Fresno or anything like that. They do it to us on purpose. Believe it or not there is a Monroe College...and has never had their logo mistaken for ULM. It's done on purpose. It's possible they saw the bracket put out by CBS and decided we needed to be taken down a peg or two. Hell their own bracket game lists us as Louisiana. That has to make that ___ itch beat red. They are gonna be the last bastion...once they fold and give up this petty game...the fight is over and we have won.

  6. #18

    Default Re: Name People will love this

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    ESPN does this on purpose. It's not laziness. If it was laziness they would do it to other mid majors who they do not have a vested interest in. I have never heard them butcher Fresno State's name like calling them Cal State Fresno or Cal Fresno or anything like that. They do it to us on purpose. Believe it or not there is a Monroe College...and has never had their logo mistaken for ULM. It's done on purpose. It's possible they saw the bracket put out by CBS and decided we needed to be taken down a peg or two. Hell their own bracket game lists us as Louisiana. That has to make that ___ itch beat red. They are gonna be the last bastion...once they fold and give up this petty game...the fight is over and we have won.
    All valid points about ESPN. My bigger beef is with our conference and it's commissioner. You could make an argument that ESPN has no dog in the hunt so they don't care. But the conference and the commissioner should care about how not just a conference member but the member representing them on a national stage is treated. Benson should have given a damn the first time thus happened. Or even the second time it happened. But to not give damn when it happens repeatedly is unacceptable and shows what thus ___-clown Benson is all about.

  7. #19

    Default Re: Name People will love this

    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    All valid points about ESPN. My bigger beef is with our conference and it's commissioner. You could make an argument that ESPN has no dog in the hunt so they don't care. But the conference and the commissioner should care about how not just a conference member but the member representing them on a national stage is treated. Benson should have given a damn the first time thus happened. Or even the second time it happened. But to not give damn when it happens repeatedly is unacceptable and shows what thus ___-clown Benson is all about.
    But do you really think if Karl Benson jumped behind us and carried the Louisiana banner...that ESPN would play ball? Or would they just find another reason to drop an extra L, or throw up the wrong logo? ESPN has no dog in the hunt on a lot of schools that they do a better job of getting their names right than ours. In this day and age with the resources and communication channels available something like that should never happen. But...they seem to make it happen regardless. I don't think ESPN takes the SunBelt seriously in any shape or form. Look at our TV contract...we are the equivalent of a piece of gum on the bottom of their shoe that they cannot remove.

    But...with all that said...Troy State became Troy without any problems whatsoever. Not from ESPN or anyone else. It was almost seamless...I remember one year they were Troy State...then...Troy. If the SBC doesn't get out in front of these things...then how did Troy get the executive treatment? That's why I cannot lay blame at the feet of the conference...because ESPN would just find another reason to guffaw on our name and chortle behind the scenes.

  8. Default Re: Name People will love this

    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    I sent an e-mail to Karl and T-Joe with the link to the Lunardi's preview and pointed out the repeated (NO Bowl) logo and nickname error as evidence of the importance of the name is due. No response from TJoe as of yet and Karl only seems to care about convincing me that I "just don't understand" how this name issue works. Apparently Karl doesn't care that ESPN continues to screw up the name and logo of the conference's post season representative. But hey, the good news is there are some nice golf courses around San Antonio!!!!!
    If he can't get his daughter to abide, I don't hold out hope.

  9. #21

    Default Re: Name People will love this

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    But do you really think if Karl Benson jumped behind us and carried the Louisiana banner...that ESPN would play ball? Or would they just find another reason to drop an extra L, or throw up the wrong logo? ESPN has no dog in the hunt on a lot of schools that they do a better job of getting their names right than ours. In this day and age with the resources and communication channels available something like that should never happen. But...they seem to make it happen regardless. I don't think ESPN takes the SunBelt seriously in any shape or form. Look at our TV contract...we are the equivalent of a piece of gum on the bottom of their shoe that they cannot remove.

    But...with all that said...Troy State became Troy without any problems whatsoever. Not from ESPN or anyone else. It was almost seamless...I remember one year they were Troy State...then...Troy. If the SBC doesn't get out in front of these things...then how did Troy get the executive treatment? That's why I cannot lay blame at the feet of the conference...because ESPN would just find another reason to guffaw on our name and chortle behind the scenes.
    True, ESPN might just shrug their shoulders and laugh at Karl (I know I do every time he opens his mug). Of course it would help if he and the conference weren't fighting us on the name is due themselves. But at least he would show some effort. Instead he just shrugs, says there is nothing he can (as he does when questioned about TV revenue) and then checks his Tee Time at the local luxury golf course.

  10. #22

    Default Re: Name People will love this

    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    True, ESPN might just shrug their shoulders and laugh at Karl (I know I do every time he opens his mug). Of course it would help if he and the conference weren't fighting us on the name is due themselves. But at least he would show some effort. Instead he just shrugs, says there is nothing he can (as he does when questioned about TV revenue) and then checks his Tee Time at the local luxury golf course.
    I 100% agree. Having the conference on our side would be monumental. It's good to see that even with all this friction and blowback from certain outlets...we still have some who just...get it. CBS and Fox Sports...they just get it. Other programs also just get it. That gives me hope for the future.

  11. #23

    Default Re: Name People will love this

    Just keep winning and they will look like complete idiots.

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