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Thread: 2008 UL Football Ticket Blitz

  1. #13

    Default Re: 2008 UL Football Ticket Blitz

    Good point about renewing early. All seats are sold if not renewed on time. Hard to believe if someone makes a comment some are ready to ship you to Baton Rouge.


  2. #14

    Track & Field Re: 2008 UL Football Ticket Blitz

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunCherokee View Post
    _ Whoa. Wait a minute. Every season tickets holder is sent a Renewal Form PLENTY EARLY enough, I believe around April. It states explicitly on the form "If you do not renew by this date [....], your tickets will be released to the general public."

    As far as I understand, if you renew, your seats are yours. If you don't, even if you have sat there the past 10 years, they are available. Sorry, but I don't feel bad for anybody that is complaining about UL offering their seats to other people when they didn't take the time to renew.

    And the $100 charge for the lower chairbacks has nothing to do with having your seat guaranteed. So I imagine the Blitz offered all available seats, chairbacks and non-chairbacks. The $100 charge goes to the program.

    Like I said, this is my understanding. _
    If you had season tickets in the upper deck, you could still by season tickets but they were general admission for the upper deck no reserved seats. I had seats on the 50 yard line in the second row for 6 years. They sent the renewals with no mention of them being general admission except for where your seat designation usually was was aa -gg with no seat numbers. So they wanted to charge the same prices and make my tickets general admission to the upper deck. They did not ask, consult or get in touch these ticket holders. The reasoning was that they wanted everyone to enjoy my seats that I had paid for the last 6 seasons so that in the future when they chairback these seats the new comers would want to pay for season tickets these seats. We were told that if we kept the tickets it would reserve our seats for these chairbacks.
    Well, I told them no thank you. They ended up losing eight season tickets in my group of friends, most of who I had recruited to buy season tickets. The athletic department stated that there were only 100 season ticket holders up there so they did not feel the need to honor our seat assignment.

  3. #15

    Default Re: 2008 UL Football Ticket Blitz

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunsmike View Post
    Anyone can buy upper deck season tickets. The change is that the only reserved seating up there is the chairbacks. Some who had reserved tickets up there in the past did renew while others did not. I agree their should have been more notice given to the people it affected. Despite that, I am still hopeful for a successful drive. I don't know why coaches have not called you on this. Perhaps you could call one of them. I know this is not your job, but we would appreciate it.
    i spoke to that issue in that if i called one, then another would say, "why didn't you call me" i am staying neutral in the contest.. not playing favorites.. i'll join the 1st team that asks

    (grins) ... heard your call while riding around to the b eye show with scotty.. again..good j.o.b. using all angles to help your team win - then again am i too assume you made your "show" choice ( chuckling) ''''' before i got home, i did hear scott bring up the blitz again.. but he didn't give your contact details though.. said to contact scott or john .... oh, oh .. wrong choice for your radio team ?? (big smiles)

    pss. of course we are all on the same team of selling the most season tickets.. etc etc etc
    although, as i understand it .. this is a contest between 10 teams to sell the most and win prizes .. which ends on the 31st of this month .. then we come together.. and count the bounty

    psss. again i whoaa.... and my thoughts go out to those upper level guys ala crawfish61's story

    from an un-drafted radio show.. (tee-hee)

  4. #16

    Default Re: 2008 UL Football Ticket Blitz

    Quote Originally Posted by snote View Post
    _ i spoke to that issue in that if i called one, then another would say, "why didn't you call me" i am staying neutral in the contest.. not playing favorites.. i'll join the 1st team that asks

    (grins) ... heard your call while riding around to the b eye show with scotty.. again..good j.o.b. using all angles to help your team win - then again am i too assume you made your "show" choice ( chuckling) ''''' before i got home, i did hear scott bring up the blitz again.. but he didn't give your contact details though.. said to contact scott or john .... oh, oh .. wrong choice for your radio team ?? (big smiles)

    pss. of course we are all on the same team of selling the most season tickets.. etc etc etc
    although, as i understand it .. this is a contest between 10 teams to sell the most and win prizes .. which ends on the 31st of this month .. then we come together.. and count the bounty

    psss. again i whoaa.... and my thoughts go out to those upper level guys ala crawfish61's story

    from an un-drafted radio show.. (tee-hee) _

    Bill, my show choice was only because I had pretty much wrapped up most of my work assignments for the day by that time Scott came on. I was busy handling business when your show was on. To tell you the truth, I did not even consider who was hosting at that time. I try to minimize my calls prior to 4. Occasionally, I slip one in earlier when things are slow or when I think I have something pertinent to say. I can try to call your show next week if one of those slow periods pops up.

  5. Default Re: 2008 UL Football Ticket Blitz

    Think I've got a good idea for 1k--25 tickets----Put up 1k and have a drawing at parish schools each home week for the tickets---In verm. parish--Earth, Abb., VC, Kap, NV, Del---Divide the tickets by enrollment or whatever and have a mid-week drawing for those who register!!!

  6. #18

    Louisiana Re: 2008 UL Football Ticket Blitz

    Quote Originally Posted by VObserver View Post
    _ That would be correct. Then again, how is that significant??? Are you implying that someone who pays more for seats should be more important as a fan to THIS program, one that rarely sells out? If so, I suggest that the school to the East is a better fit for you.

    TO A MAN, every ticket holder who was stripped that I spoke to would have gladly paid more to keep his seats. The opportunity to do so was NEVER offered, though it was suggested to the folks in charge several times by several different people. Nor were those people offered an upgrade either before or after being shafted. _
    Hey VO- I understand that the 100 upper deck season ticket holders are upset over the way renewals were handled. But I think you misunderstood the comment made by Cajun Connection. He was not talking down to people who had no fee attached to their tickets. It was probably addressed to the ridiculous stament that the school would cancel thousands of reserved seats with extrs fees attached. Group sales of seats with fees would be insane. CC is a big Cajun fan for over 30 years. NOT A TIGER FAN. To suggest he move east is an unwarranted insult based on his post. Now is not the time for UL to be hurting our own fans. We need all hands on deck working together. Geaux Cajuns!!

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