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Thread: Branding the University

  1. Alumni Branding the University

     The path to UL's future got a bit clearer Wednesday morning.

    All six focus groups on the UL transition team presented their final recommendations for the direction of university during a breakfast meeting Wednesday at the UL Alumni House.

    Overall, the recommendations addressed key deficiencies in the university and laid out both short- and long-term solutions for them.

    President Joseph Savoie was on hand to take notes and solicit feedback from the teams.

    "This is an important exercise," he said. "This lays out the road map for the future of the university."

    The rest of the story

    Cody Daigle • • July 24, 2008

    Homes SO Clean

  2. Default Advisory teams meet with Savoie

    UL — University of Louisiana President Joseph Savoie heard recommendations Wednesday that included the need for a plan to guide university growth and the more mundane desire for good air conditioning.

    Savoie, who officially took over in June from retiring ULL President Ray Authement, tapped a group of faculty, students and community members in April to identify priorities.

    “It really is going to lay out a road map for the future of the university,” Savoie said.

    Advisory teams focusing on academics, athletics, economic development, facilities, student issues and university advancement have been meeting over the summer to discuss needed changes.

    “Some are immediate, and some are a beginning,” said Jerry Luke LeBlanc, the former state commissioner of administration who is helping organize Savoie’s transition.

    The rest of the story

    Advocate Acadiana bureau

    Homes SO Clean

  3. #3

    Default Re: University seeks solutions for challenges ahead

    Quote Originally Posted by NewsCopy View Post
    _ _
    swbulldog is a douche. it is amazing to me that people that claim to be fans of this university can constantly degrade UL.

  4. #4

    Default Re: University seeks solutions for challenges ahead

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun4life View Post
    _ swbulldog is a douche. it is amazing to me that people that claim to be fans of this university can constantly degrade UL. _
    Maybe I misread him, but I did not see anything degrading. He felt that the presentation was pretty vanilla, and I agree. His hope for doing more with less is not degrading. He did not say we should not try to increase funding, only that it seemed that was their core belief.

    I would hope there is a lot more in the actual recommendations than the stuff they presented, but I doubt it. Remember we are talking about higher education civil service people, not a wall street entrepreneur with a great new idea.

    Frankly we probably do not to reinvent the light bulb. If we would just start using the one that has been the model for public universities over the past century. You know that one, the one where you don't p-i-$$ off donors and you actually take the time to thank those who help.

  5. #5

    Default Re: University seeks solutions for challenges ahead

    Some SWbulldog comments are valid in that nothing earth shattering was implemented or any new ideas thought up. But his comment that they should do more with less was ignorant. This university has done more with less for so long that it has cut away the fat, muscle and some bone. The university is finally fully funded and will be getting tuition increases. It should hire enough administrative people so that the university runs in an efficient manner and can take better care of its customers its students. The maintenance and building of new buildings including dorms has been ignored due to lack of funds. These needs to be taken care of asap.

  6. #6

    Default Re: University seeks solutions for challenges ahead

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun4life View Post
    swbulldog is a douche. it is amazing to me that people that claim to be fans of this university can constantly degrade UL.
    I didn't find swbulldog's comments to this article a problem at all. I have seen some of his in the past that I totally disagreed with. Really it was the comments of 2 others, Sparrow and Inquirer, that made me think more of feminine hygiene products. I am glad to see that the university is FINALLY working to put together a clear, comprehensive plan for the future, with both long term and short term elements. I used to talk with "T-Joe" about that very subject about 20+ years ago. Now let's see how they implement it. That is where the rubber meets the road, as they used to say.

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