Success followed the new “MARINE-BOLL WEEVIL” team that year. They posted a 5-2-1 record---playing other service-college teams. The two losses were to Southwest Texas University---a team composed mostly of University of Texas “Marine-players”--- and Southwest Louisiana Institute at Lafayette. S.L.I. boasted backfield star, Alvin Dark, of L.S.U. and later, professional baseball fame---Weldon Humble, Rice Institute’s giant, All-American lineman and 18 other Rice teammates!

Arkansas A&M had tied the Louisiana “Marine-team” BULLDOGS 20-20 in a “near- hurricane”condition contest, played at old Crump Stadium-Memphis, earlier in the season. That was the only mar on the “DAWGS” record---but the tie hurt the S.L.I. team’s national image, costing them a bid to the Sugar Bowl. However, wealthy Houston businessmen created the 1st Annual OIL BOWL GAME---and invited S.L.I.’s nemesis ---the BOLL WEEVILS as opponents. The rematch was played in Houston, January 1st, 1944. The S.L.I.-MARINES prevailed, 24-7!