View Poll Results: Should Beer be sold at the Swamp?

504. This poll is closed
  • YES

    415 82.34%
  • NO!

    89 17.66%
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Thread: Should Beer be sold at The Swamp?

  1. #73

    Default Re: Should Beer be sold at The Swamp?

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    think that alcohol is served in the press box and boosters club room and I would bet in the sky boxes at LSU!!!!!! The goose and gander thing!!!!! _
    They get high in the sky, yeah!

    Those "no alcohol permitted" rules are only for the hoi polloi.

  2. #74

    Default Re: Should Beer be sold at The Swamp?

    Quote Originally Posted by DestinCajun View Post
    _ They get high in the sky, yeah!

    Those "no alcohol permitted" rules are only for the hoi polloi. _
    Being from Upper Lafayette and hanging with the hoi polloi all my life I have no desire to rub elbows with the hoity toity.

    GIVE US OUR BEER!!!!! (you don't have to actually give it to us,we'll buy it)

  3. Default Re: Should Beer be sold at The Swamp?

    I am not knocking the users for using but just that the ones who wish to buy it can't!!!! Has anybody ever seen the number of hard liquor bottles in the stadium on Sunday morning------again I vote for the selling of beer!!!!!

  4. #76

    Default Re: Should Beer be sold at The Swamp?

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    _ I am not knocking the users for using but just that the ones who wish to buy it can't!!!! Has anybody ever seen the number of hard liquor bottles in the stadium on Sunday morning------again I vote for the selling of beer!!!!! _
    Dang Boomer, how did you manage that? I can only vote once. You must have a good computer ... (grins)

  5. #77

    Default Re: Should Beer be sold at The Swamp?

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    _ I am not knocking the users for using but just that the ones who wish to buy it can't!!!! Has anybody ever seen the number of hard liquor bottles in the stadium on Sunday morning------again I vote for the selling of beer!!!!! _
    dont kid yourself either, half the water bottles are used for liquor also. i kept leaving my flask every game and it became expensive. our whole section brings it in water bottles b/c it doesnt matter if you leave it. And i mean our whole section. as a mateer of fact if they sold beer just our section of friends would spend at least $420 a game on beer at 7$ a beer and thats being conservative. so that x's 5 is 2100 for the season. thats just one group of friends. even if you only make 2 per beer that is still 600 profit. and i promise you make more than 2 bucks a cup on keg beer.

  6. #78

    Default Re: Should Beer be sold at The Swamp?

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    _ dont kid yourself either, half the water bottles are used for liquor also. i kept leaving my flask every game and it became expensive. our whole section brings it in water bottles b/c it doesnt matter if you leave it. And i mean our whole section. as a mateer of fact if they sold beer just our section of friends would spend at least $420 a game on beer at 7$ a beer and thats being conservative. so that x's 5 is 2100 for the season. thats just one group of friends. even if you only make 2 per beer that is still 600 profit. and i promise you make more than 2 bucks a cup on keg beer. _
    1 bottle of beer at any bar in the state is purchased at .89 cents per bottle. Draft beer is always cheaper because it is sold as a bulk product. So lets just say that each cup of beer sold for 7 bucks and a cup of beer represented one bottle that would be $21,360 worth of beer. But the total profit off of that amount of beer would be $168,000 would be gross earnings and $146,640 would be net earnings. The cost of workers are already accounted for because we already sell concessions. A six game home schedule could produce as much as $879,840 before taxes.

    But it does not stop there, say we bring in 3000 more paying fans(students excluded) per game at the cheepest ticket prices at $14 bucks would be an additional $42,000 per game. $252,000 per season in ticket sales. So that would be an increase on current revenew by $1,131,840. I believe that number speaks for itself.

  7. #79

    Default Re: Should Beer be sold at The Swamp?

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    _ dont kid yourself either, half the water bottles are used for liquor also. i kept leaving my flask every game and it became expensive. our whole section brings it in water bottles b/c it doesnt matter if you leave it. And i mean our whole section. as a mateer of fact if they sold beer just our section of friends would spend at least $420 a game on beer at 7$ a beer and thats being conservative. so that x's 5 is 2100 for the season. thats just one group of friends. even if you only make 2 per beer that is still 600 profit. and i promise you make more than 2 bucks a cup on keg beer. _
    Man, I love all this fuzzy math and fuzzy logic. Makes me kinda thirsty for
    a cold brew.
    Hopefully next year's thread will be:
    WHAT beer should be served at Cajun Field?

  8. Default Re: Should Beer be sold at The Swamp?

    Well I thought everyone had agreed on MBLs!!!! Now that the Dr. A vs. Herby fued is histoire---I guess it will be a Bud brand!!!

  9. #81

    UL Football Re: Should Beer be sold at The Swamp?

    Quote Originally Posted by BrudaCajun View Post
    _ I think our fans are well behaved and could handle alcohol inside Cajun Field. Enough of us bring it in anyway . We make a good amount of money for baseball, just think what we could do for Football. It could bring in some much needed money _
    I voted yes, for the beer and my wife nor I drink. I voted for the atmosphere and the money changes that would be I think a big positive. Most of the fans that sit in the tailgaiting area would come in the stadium because they would be able to drink their beer!

    They should do like baseball who stops beer sales in the 7th, football should stop in the mid to end of the 3rd quarter.

    Bruda you are just after the beer!

  10. #82

    Default Re: Should Beer be sold at The Swamp?

    Quote Originally Posted by DaddyCajun View Post
    _ I voted yes, for the beer and my wife nor I drink. I voted for the atmosphere and the money changes that would be I think a big positive. Most of the fans that sit in the tailgaiting area would come in the stadium because they would be able to drink their beer!

    They should do like baseball who stops beer sales in the 7th, football should stop in the mid to end of the 3rd quarter.

    Bruda you are just after the beer! _

  11. #83

    Default Re: Should Beer be sold at The Swamp?

    Daddy, I'll drink your share if you don't mind. Me and Bruda will go get into trouble..

  12. #84

    Default Re: Should Beer be sold at The Swamp?

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun4life View Post
    _ If my memory serves me right, the reason why we do not sell beer in the stadium is because of the insurance premium. I have heard that it would be roughly a 1 million dollar premium _
    A MILLION DOLLARS??? that is.... I can't find the words...I'm in the wrong bidness! I'm going to have to talk to my buddy who manages in the cajundome about this.. I'll report back..

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