I do not think that selling beer is going to have the profound effect on attendance many here think. People do go in the parking lot at halftime to drink but they also go to watch football on T.V., many times LSU unfortunately, get food, go to the restroom and namely they go because they can still party in the parking lot instead of watching the band or waiting in line at the concession stand or bathroom. I do not think selling beer will do ANYTHING to directly improve our attendance but it will have an economic impact for the program.
Beer WILL lead to a greater home field advantage.
I don't know what it is, but there is something in beer that will NOT let you sit on your hands.
Corny, but Kudos my freind Kudos; I had a good chuckle.
It may not be "profound", but I believe it will contribute to increased attendance. I did not mean that people won't leave for their half-time reasons. I was referring to people that never leave the parking lot tailgating in the first place. Some, not all, will come into the game if beer is sold.
In addition to bringing in some of the tailgating-only folks... the atmosphere will improve due to increased annibriation throughout the game. "Ice cold beer makes you want to cheer!". The more cheering, the better the team performs. The better the team performs, the more games we win. The more games we win, the more people want to attend. Recruits want to play for teams/fans/atmospheres that are loud and into the game. Beer helps. Sobering up from the parking lot does not assist in keeping the good cheer going. I also think the revenue generated could go directly toward more student give-aways and get more students to attend. Student attendance is another huge factor in football players' performances. They like to see their schoolmates backing them. In closing... I like a cold beer when I'm watching football... and I am all about keeping me happy. Case closed.
When you get older beer will not be as important. Well, for most of us anyway.
American beer sucks for the most part. I don't get the big deal. Sure there are microbreweries that produce good stuff, but for the most part Americans drink horsepizz... thinly veiled as a brewski. Right?
I do like a good dark beer.
Budwiper is not beer. Busch is, well, I am not sure w.t.f.that stuff is. Coors lite should be sued for false advertising. That chit is water.
Enjoy the buzz while you are young. Drink the good stuff. Life is to short to drink pizzle.
No one said it was a "big deal". We aren't haggling over domestic versus foreign. We don't have any beer sales inside The Swamp right now. Some of us think having any beer sold is an improvement over none at all. And who knows... maybe once we get the "horse pizz" tap started, we can convince them to include better selection. You have to start first by getting approval to sell beer.
Let see about the beer served----probably the kids will down 3-4 over 3 hours--contrast that to about 5 shots of the hard stuff that they found a way to get in the game with through different techniques!!!! I am sure that the beer stands will have a line which well cut down on the amount that is consumed!!!!!!
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