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Thread: Ryan McCoy's Game is Eye Catching

  1. #37

    Default Re: Ryan McCoy ???

    He did squirt water at Lee. Whether the water hit him or not I dont know.

    I wasnt impressed with him at times either, but the fact of the matter is that when he went out of the game, we let the game slip away.

  2. #38

    Default Re: Ryan McCoy ???

    Quote Originally Posted by RcL8 View Post
    _ He did squirt water at Lee. Whether the water hit him or not I dont know.

    I wasnt impressed with him at times either, but the fact of the matter is that when he went out of the game, we let the game slip away. _
    I saw him do the water thing (I was 2 rows behind the bench) and one of the players swiped the bottle out of his hand. The good coaches can discipline each player the way each player needs to be disciplined without showing favoritism. He did yell at McCoy and he told told McCoy he needs to be tougher. Period. Blah, blah, blah...

    This team needs focus, needs an established offense and needs to establish the post. Most of the people on this thread get it...Why can't it be done? Coach Lee is the same way at practices...he yells and the assistants do the teaching. In my mind this is the best sport in the world and it's very basic...juggle the personalities properly and teach the basics.

    I've been involved in basketball all my life and this team is slowly bleeding away my interest in the game. I don't blame the players.

    Thanks for the space to rant.

    Oh yeah...the injury's do hurt.

  3. #39

    Default Re: Ryan McCoy ???

    Quote Originally Posted by MissingMandy View Post
    _ Don't know a thing about the basketball team...but....isn't a good coach suppose to motivate his players? This isn't grade school it is college and coaches yell at their players. They expect them to do what they have been taught. They are not hired to baby their players. They should and do demand perfection each and every play....Wasn't at the game, don't know what the young man did or didn't do (all though I believe Cajun T) but there is NEVER a time when disrespecting a coach should be tolerated, no matter how severe the tongue lashing is from the coach. That's life and hey life ain't fair. _
    With all due respect, I think that basketball is slightly different from football in that the crowd is right on top of the bench and can hear and see all of the rants. In football, you might see a coach going balistic, but fans cannot normally tell whether he is directing his rage at the player. Basketball is a more intimate environment for the fans, coaches and players. This could be a source of humiliation for players.

    I do not condone the action of this player, but i will relate this story:

    In one of Coach Lee's first years, he was really animated in his reactions to players mistakes and did a lot of yelling early in the season. Any fan could see that this was not eliciting a positive reaction from the player (by his performance on the court.) Somehow, someone must have talked to Lee or he watched himself on film and he backed off.

    The team performed much better after he stopped screaming at the players in the game situation. IMO, In basketball, you really need to saving the heavy _____ eatings for practice time.

  4. #40

    Default Re: Ryan McCoy ???

    On the bright side...This is good experience for the team to play without Randell Daigle, Chris Gradnigo, and Ryan McCoy. If Lee keeps his patience and teaches the guys that are playing and keeps them motivated, the team will be better when the starters come back.

  5. #41

    Default Re: Ryan McCoy ???

    Quote Originally Posted by scotto_25 View Post
    _ Did anyone see McCoy pouting like a 7 year old school boy? What's up with his dang attitude? He got his pocket picked while trying to do some kind of "skip-to-my-lou" AND 1 move and fell on the ground like he sprained his ankle. Coach Lee hooked him and he sat and cried like a little baby. We don't need that kind of attitude right now. We have great chemistry and positive attitudes with last years players....he better get his head in check or it'll screw up this whole team! Also, I didn't agree with one of our coaches missing the entire second half giving McCoy backrubs on the bench to cheer him old is he? He needs to swallow the tears and that attitude and play ball because he's gonna miss a good run with this team once we get our players back in December! Lastly, if I'm Lee, and he pulls that non-sense again I'd have him delivering apples and cotten candy with ol Cotten Candy Chris at next weeks home game....hey hey sweet candy! What a bum.......better fix that crap!

    Forgot to mention that a coach handed McCoy a waterbottle and he in turn threw water directly at Coach Lee.................WOW! _

    There's an even deeper rooted story here. I'm definitely curious to see how it's addressed, and how it resolves itself as the year progresses.

  6. #42

    Default Re: Ryan McCoy ???

    Quote Originally Posted by LSUConnMan View Post
    There's an even deeper rooted story here. I'm definitely curious to see how it's addressed, and how it resolves itself as the year progresses.
    According to an article on the online version of the Advertiser, McCoy is not making the trip to Utah due to an ankle injury. It did appear to me that he did hurt his ankle on the play he was removed from the game on Tuesday. Supposedly he will play on Tuesday against Oral Roberts. Now, some of you may believe that the story of his not playing tonight due to an ankle is only for public consumption and he is really being disciplined. If so, I would understand that perspective.

  7. #43

    Default Re: Ryan McCoy ???

    My point was merely that there's more there than is offered for public consumption, and anyone trying to offer conclusions can expect a 50% failure rate.

  8. #44
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Ryan McCoy ???

    I also heard a rumor that McCoy wouldn't eat his spinach. Someone saw the spinach on his plate and his fork was operating on everything other than the spinach. The witness saw this from across the cafeteria, but I believe Lee has a spinach problem on his hands. If he gets McCoy to eat his spinach, I think we'll be in the final four this year. It's that close right now. Well, there is that problem of the double knot in Grandigo's sneakers... stay tuned.

  9. #45

    Default Re: Ryan McCoy ???

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    I also heard a rumor that McCoy wouldn't eat his spinach. Someone saw the spinach on his plate and his fork was operating on everything other than the spinach. The witness saw this from across the cafeteria, but I believe Lee has a spinach problem on his hands. If he gets McCoy to eat his spinach, I think we'll be in the final four this year. It's that close right now. Well, there is that problem of the double knot in Grandigo's sneakers... stay tuned.
    Good one. lmao!

    2 (albeit lousy) games in and the '08-'09 season is done, over, finished, kaput. The players suck and the coaches can't coach. The next thing I read will be the cheerleaders aren't are cheery enough and the Ragin' Jazz aren't jazzy enough. Me, I'm going to hang in and I'll get to as many games as possible and support the Cajuns whether or not my hindendium maximus is seated or standing.

  10. #46

    Default Re: Ryan McCoy ???

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    _ I also heard a rumor that McCoy wouldn't eat his spinach. Someone saw the spinach on his plate and his fork was operating on everything other than the spinach. The witness saw this from across the cafeteria, but I believe Lee has a spinach problem on his hands. If he gets McCoy to eat his spinach, I think we'll be in the final four this year. It's that close right now. Well, there is that problem of the double knot in Grandigo's sneakers... stay tuned. _
    Raw spinach is much healthier than cooked. If Lee could adapt better to these younger guys and let them eat their spinach however they like, I think we would see a turnaround in the season. If not, well...

  11. #47
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Ryan McCoy ???

    Quote Originally Posted by HOUCajun View Post
    _ Raw spinach is much healthier than cooked. If Lee could adapt better to these younger guys and let them eat their spinach however they like, I think we would see a turnaround in the season. If not, well... _
    I just spoke to the girls... and they cannot wait for the next episode of "Lee's little McCoy". I have a bad feeling for the girls that this soap opera is going to get canceled. I hear the writers are just going to get back to basketball. What a shame.

  12. #48

    Default Re: Ryan McCoy ???

    I just have to say, that getting out rebounded, outhustled, no sense of offense, and poor free throw shooting, and turnovers is all a direct effect of poor coaching. They don't take care of the ball and take too many quick shots, especially threes, which we dont have michael allen or sydney grider on our team any more, so we don't have any great shooters. Lee is not a good coach, this job fell in his lap and he is lucky to be here. If we would have had any sort of competent coach against Louisville in '05, we win the game. ( And don't forget about NC State the year before, we should have won that game as well, but Jessie Evans couldn't do anything either) I was there, Our team was just as good as theirs and they were worried. Lee didn't have a clue. This all started when Butch Pierre didn't get offered the job from Marty Fletcher. Pierre recruited all our players, Brooks, Mouton, Stokes, Starks, Allen, Mitchell in the early 90's. We got ball players, not just athletes that didn't know the game and couldn't run a half court set. Evans started it and Lee has continued it, athletes only win if they have guidance and a good system, but smart ball players will find a way to win, these guys can't. Then we surprise every and win our division and lose at home in the first round of our tournament. I remember when I was young, we never lost at home. Losing to Lamar, I mean come on, they are okay, but you gotta win in your own building. I'm sure coach Lee is a nice guy, but I'm tired of having thugs and athletes, not basketball players, on our team. He has got to go. You know who Lee could learn from, Byron Starks, he was a ball player, eventually, I hope he takes over the program because he knows the game and I think he could scout and recruit the area for better basketball players than Lee can.

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