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Thread: Lafayette's Javon Walker found on street unconscious

  1. UL Football Lafayette's Javon Walker found on street unconscious

    LAS VEGAS - Raiders wide receiver Javon Walker was found unconscious on a Las Vegas street Monday after apparently being the victim of a robbery.

    Police spokesman Bill Cassell said in a statement that Walker was taken to a hospital with "significant injuries" after being found early Monday on a street off the Las Vegas Strip.

    Cassell said Walker remained in fair condition at Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center.

    The Raiders were still in the process of gathering information regarding Walker's injuries, a team spokesman said.

    The Las Vegas Review-Journal reported that Walker suffered an "orbital fracture," which means one or more bones around the eye socket were broken.

    The rest of the story

    Homes SO Clean

  2. #2

    Default Re: Lafayette's Javon Walker found on street unconscious

    I'm not jumping to conclusions here, but I wonder what time of the night this occurred. Was he alone? One incident may mean bad luck. Two begins the road to a trend. We've seen it too many times before. As much as they don't want to believe it, these athletes are not normal people anymore. People know their faces and the amount of money they are making. Jealousy and desperation will make people do just about anything. It is the athlete's responsibility to stay away from bad situations.

  3. Default Re: Lafayette's Javon Walker found on street unconscious

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRage View Post
    I'm not jumping to conclusions here, but I wonder what time of the night this occurred. Was he alone? One incident may mean bad luck. Two begins the road to a trend. We've seen it too many times before. As much as they don't want to believe it, these athletes are not normal people anymore. People know their faces and the amount of money they are making. Jealousy and desperation will make people do just about anything. It is the athlete's responsibility to stay away from bad situations.
    One of my very good friends is damn near best friends with Javon and I hear NOTHING but great things about him. He is a solid guy. Don't jump to conclusions without knowing the facts.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Lafayette's Javon Walker found on street unconscious

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunCherokee View Post
    _ One of my very good friends is damn near best friends with Javon and I hear NOTHING but great things about him. He is a solid guy. Don't jump to conclusions without knowing the facts. _
    Of course Javon's bestfriend will say nothing but great things about him. Look at reality, he was involved in a drive by shooting with Darent Williams dying in his arms. A convicted drug dealer has taken responsibility for the shooting. Was it a drug deal gone bad? THat sounds like a solid guy to me. He has thrown sissy fits in GB and Denver over wanting more money when he has had only one decent season. Now he is beat up in LAS VEGAS, it may be wrong place wrong time, but we dont know. Apparantly Javon hasnt appreciated the environment he was brought up in, Fatima and STM. Instead he is trying to live the "thug" life.

    Just so you dont say something about me not knowing Javon. I have known him for almost 15 years. Played ball with him in highschool. Graduated with him in 1997. Great athletic talent, not much between the ears.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Lafayette's Javon Walker found on street unconscious

    Quote Originally Posted by rgncjn12 View Post
    Of course Javon's bestfriend will say nothing but great things about him. Look at reality, he was involved in a drive by shooting with Darent Williams dying in his arms. A convicted drug dealer has taken responsibility for the shooting. Was it a drug deal gone bad? THat sounds like a solid guy to me. He has thrown sissy fits in GB and Denver over wanting more money when he has had only one decent season. Now he is beat up in LAS VEGAS, it may be wrong place wrong time, but we dont know. Apparantly Javon hasnt appreciated the environment he was brought up in, Fatima and STM. Instead he is trying to live the "thug" life.

    Just so you dont say something about me not knowing Javon. I have known him for almost 15 years. Played ball with him in highschool. Graduated with him in 1997. Great athletic talent, not much between the ears.
    Agreed. Like I said, these guys need to make an extra effort to stay out of situations like this.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Lafayette's Javon Walker found on street unconscious

    Look people do change with fame as much as they don't want to admit it. When we were kids at Fatima, my parents loved the guy growing up, his mother is one of the sweetest ladies you'll ever meet. But from what i've heard he has changed a little bit, which i'm pretty certain that if i was given 16 million dollars, i'd probably change a little bit as well. It sounds like a very unfortunate incident, i'm going to wait for the entire story to come out before jumping to any conclusions.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Lafayette's Javon Walker found on street unconscious

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRage View Post
    _ I'm not jumping to conclusions here, but I wonder what time of the night this occurred. Was he alone? One incident may mean bad luck. Two begins the road to a trend. We've seen it too many times before. As much as they don't want to believe it, these athletes are not normal people anymore. People know their faces and the amount of money they are making. Jealousy and desperation will make people do just about anything. It is the athlete's responsibility to stay away from bad situations. _
    He was leaving a club at 630am. Asking for trouble! apparantly the part of town he was in Koval(?) is known to not be the safest part of town.

    DUde came out for baseball at STM his senior year. never played before. Could hit a fastball a freaking mile, had a cannon arm, couldnt hit a curve. Marlins drafted him out of highschool on athletic ability alone. Great athlete, not the smartest rock in the parking lot.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Lafayette's Javon Walker found on street unconscious

    Quote Originally Posted by ULtimateCajun View Post
    _ Look people do change with fame as much as they don't want to admit it. When we were kids at Fatima, my parents loved the guy growing up, his mother is one of the sweetest ladies you'll ever meet. But from what i've heard he has changed a little bit, which i'm pretty certain that if i was given 16 million dollars, i'd probably change a little bit as well. It sounds like a very unfortunate incident, i'm going to wait for the entire story to come out before jumping to any conclusions. _
    My point exactly UltimateCajun. I graduated with him in 97 and played a lot of ball with him. COuldnt find a nicer guy back then. But since he has gotten his money, totally different person. Its ashame. He had the tools to be a great WR. The more I read the worse it sounds.

  9. Default Re: Lafayette's Javon Walker found on street unconscious

    Quote Originally Posted by rgncjn12 View Post
    Of course Javon's bestfriend will say nothing but great things about him. Look at reality, he was involved in a drive by shooting with Darent Williams dying in his arms. A convicted drug dealer has taken responsibility for the shooting. Was it a drug deal gone bad? THat sounds like a solid guy to me. He has thrown sissy fits in GB and Denver over wanting more money when he has had only one decent season. Now he is beat up in LAS VEGAS, it may be wrong place wrong time, but we dont know. Apparantly Javon hasnt appreciated the environment he was brought up in, Fatima and STM. Instead he is trying to live the "thug" life.

    Just so you dont say something about me not knowing Javon. I have known him for almost 15 years. Played ball with him in highschool. Graduated with him in 1997. Great athletic talent, not much between the ears.
    Ok. I retract my statement. I forgot about the Darrent Williams situation and after conversing with my buddy, he doesn't think as highly of him as I thought. Sorry!

  10. #10

    Default Re: Lafayette's Javon Walker found on street unconscious

    There are two different types of players in the NFL

    1) One's whose names only appear on Sportscenter and the Sports Page
    2) One's whose names show up on the front page and the news

    Unfortunately, Javon has become one of the latter.

  11. #11

    UL Softball Re: Lafayette's Javon Walker found on street unconscious

    Quote Originally Posted by rgncjn12 View Post
    _ My point exactly UltimateCajun. I graduated with him in 97 and played a lot of ball with him. COuldnt find a nicer guy back then. But since he has gotten his money, totally different person. Its ashame. He had the tools to be a great WR. The more I read the worse it sounds. _

    from the article it looks like somebody didn't like a rich dude spraying them with expensive champagne...

  12. #12

    Default Re: Lafayette's Javon Walker found on street unconscious

    Quote Originally Posted by KingRob View Post
    _ from the article it looks like somebody didn't like a rich dude spraying them with expensive champagne... _
    Cant say I blame the people being ____ed about being sprayed with champagne. He is lucky he got beat and not shot or stabbed. It is sad to see what he has become, because 10-12 years ago, he was one of the nicest guys I knew.

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