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Thread: Cajuns, Tigers to play again

  1. #13

    Default Re: Cajuns, Tigers to play again

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    _ Honestly, I think we might be the better team here. LSU is in a world of hurt talent wise and recruit wise. And with a new head coach, LSU is really vulnerable at this point. Could be a fun game for us Cajuns fans, I will predict, only about 50 tiger fans will show up. I feel sorry for LSU diehards sometimes. They can get so lonely when times are tough. But I respect those LSU diehards more than the Johnny come lately folk, or the MAJORITY of LSU's fanbase. You saw it in baseball during the first half of the year. You will prolly see it in Basketball this season. But good luck to Trent Johnson and the LSU basketball team. And I guess good luck to LSU's baseball team. They did have a great second half of the season and they did what it took. But football, no love for that program. Rot in hell LSU football! _
    'hawk, you were really worrying me there for a second. please never forget some of us really count on you. your burden is, i admit, heavy, but i have NO DOUBT you are up to it.

  2. #14

    Default Re: Cajuns, Tigers to play again

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunNation View Post
    A little anywhere, anytime attitude would be very handy.


  3. #15

    Default Re: Cajuns, Tigers to play again

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun2010 View Post
    _ I agree with Lee on going out there and tryin to get a series with LSU going, but why submit to the 2 years in a row in Kittyland, with the POSSIBLE game at the Dome in the future. Now i dont have to go into the percentages of that ever happening. I would be ok with 2 years over there and the definite game here the year after. And I am sure I will be at that point of gettin tired of going over there without the return trip. But at the moment, I am a student of UL and i support my team no matter where they go. _
    am i missing something? is there ANY bcs program out there ul dictates 'home and home or nothing' to? i doubt it. why would it be different for lsu? and in fact with the huge travel savings, it seems that is the one bcs school it makes the most sense to play, no matter the venue. underlying the whiner's litany is, seemingly, a contention the programs are on equal footing--no disrespect meant, but they are not, in anything other than softball. if i were exclusively a ul fan, i'd be thrilled to play at lsu in every sport, every year, in br if that's what it took, for two reasons: the money and the possibility of beating them. look around this site; people clamor for vhs copies of the win over 6-6 a&m; what would happen around here if ul pulled off a uab [a peach bowl champion lsu team] or miami of ohio[an sec champ lsu team]? it would be pretty damn special, i'll confidently tell you that.

  4. #16

    Default Re: Cajuns, Tigers to play again

    Quote Originally Posted by Sonsissymia View Post
    am i missing something? is there ANY bcs program out there ul dictates 'home and home or nothing' to? i doubt it. why would it be different for lsu? and in fact with the huge travel savings, it seems that is the one bcs school it makes the most sense to play, no matter the venue. underlying the whiner's litany is, seemingly, a contention the programs are on equal footing--no disrespect meant, but they are not, in anything other than softball. if i were exclusively a ul fan, i'd be thrilled to play at lsu in every sport, every year, in br if that's what it took, for two reasons: the money and the possibility of beating them. look around this site; people clamor for vhs copies of the win over 6-6 a&m; what would happen around here if ul pulled off a uab [a peach bowl champion lsu team] or miami of ohio[an sec champ lsu team]? it would be pretty damn special, i'll confidently tell you that.
    My view on this is to play them over there until you beat them. Once you do that, don't renew the series until a home game is guaranteed. If they refuse, you can always say you won the last game. If you play them every year, you will win at some point. It is possible that could occur in next season's game.

  5. #17

    Default Re: Cajuns, Tigers to play again

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunsmike View Post
    _ My view on this is to play them over there until you beat them. Once you do that, don't renew the series until a home game is guaranteed. If they refuse, you can always say you won the last game. If you play them every year, you will win at some point. It is possible that could occur in next season's game. _
    not a bad theoretical idea; don't know if it has a practical application, but i like the thinking. absolutely possible next season; lsu should be only mediocre, and i expect the cajuns to be pretty good.

  6. #18

    Default Re: Cajuns, Tigers to play again

    Quote Originally Posted by Sonsissymia View Post
    i expect the cajuns to be pretty good. _
    NO no no, please no expectations, We all know we do not handle expectations very well.

    Let us just say we maybe a little better than medicore, so the bar is not set too high. Secretly I think we are going to be very good next year but shhhhhh..... Don't tell anyone lol

  7. #19

    Default Re: Cajuns, Tigers to play again

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunsmike View Post
    _ My view on this is to play them over there until you beat them. Once you do that, don't renew the series until a home game is guaranteed. If they refuse, you can always say you won the last game. If you play them every year, you will win at some point. It is possible that could occur in next season's game. _
    Correct me if i'm wrong, but we have had LSU baseball at the tigue and we won. I was at the game, it was freezing, and i want to say it was mid 90's. That is the last time they came here, we won, and they haven't come back. That is what p!$$es me off! Put your damn foot down. I'd rather play tulane three times in one season than play LSU once a season at there place every year. If it is such a big draw, if it is so anticipated, why do we have to be the ones to bend, why do we have to always compromise at the bargaining table every contract signing. I'm not talking about football. But basketball and baseball should at the very least be 2 away and one home in between for us. Sorry to pound my fist at the same point but this just fires me up. You say lets beat them at there place then demand a home game. If you recall, when we do win, the "rivalry" gets to "heated" and it needs 2-3 years to cool off, then we are back to square one. I'm not buyin' what they're sellin'.

  8. #20

    Default Re: Cajuns, Tigers to play again

    Quote Originally Posted by USLJim View Post
    Sell us out Robert. I see you don't have any clout. I would not play them if they did not give us home and home. I am very disappointed and it is pitiful for UL fans to keep going there. DISAPPOINTED IN YOUR DECISION MAKING.
    Agreed. Shoulda been a 2-1 at minimum. Count me out.

  9. #21

    Default Re: Cajuns, Tigers to play again

    Quote Originally Posted by ULtimateCajun View Post
    Correct me if i'm wrong, but we have had LSU baseball at the tigue and we won. I was at the game, it was freezing, and i want to say it was mid 90's. That is the last time they came here, we won, and they haven't come back. That is what p!$$es me off! Put your damn foot down. I'd rather play tulane three times in one season than play LSU once a season at there place every year. If it is such a big draw, if it is so anticipated, why do we have to be the ones to bend, why do we have to always compromise at the bargaining table every contract signing. I'm not talking about football. But basketball and baseball should at the very least be 2 away and one home in between for us. Sorry to pound my fist at the same point but this just fires me up. You say lets beat them at there place then demand a home game. If you recall, when we do win, the "rivalry" gets to "heated" and it needs 2-3 years to cool off, then we are back to square one. I'm not buyin' what they're sellin'.

    In baseball, we played LSU here in 2002 and beat them by a score of 8 to 0.
    Regarding Tulane, they also refuse to play us here in baseball. We did not go there for awhile but Coach Robe has agreed to go there the last two years for our New Orleans fans. I think we go there again in 2009. As soon as we win over there, we should stop going unless they play here.

  10. #22

    Default Re: Cajuns, Tigers to play again

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunsmike View Post
    _ In baseball, we played LSU here in 2002 and beat them by a score of 8 to 0.
    Regarding Tulane, they also refuse to play us here in baseball. We did not go there for awhile but Coach Robe has agreed to go there the last two years for our New Orleans fans. I think we go there again in 2009. As soon as we win over there, we should stop going unless they play here. _
    ul has won PLENTY of mid-week games against lsu over the years. if memory serves, back in the late 80's ben mcdonald pitched here, and lsu lost, tho' i don't think he got the decision. am i remembering that right turb?

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