I give exactly zero dollars to the program. There is no dancing around that. I haven't been to a game in a very long time. Don't plan on going to one anytime soon unless they start winning. You blow off McNeese and ULM but it does prove that money alone will not get the program where it should be. McNeese not only beat us but blew us out at home. As far as getting a Spurrier type coach well some of you guys seem to be daddy warbucks so pony up some more money. Actually someone on here pointed out that a named coach doesn't always work. ASU had some guy I forget his name but he was a named coach and he didn't workout so well. The one they got from NWST is doing very well. If Bustle doesn't win then almost anyone would be better. Just to give fans hope. Isn't Coach Tate coaching at a high school right now? He did well for McNeese for a while. He started to lose so they got rid of him also I believe there a few other problems. We need to find a young hungery coach with potential and here is a key thing. He should have experience at being a head coach. When was the last time we actually hired a head coach?