In his first interview to external publication after becoming CEO of Microsoft, Satya Nadella talks about his leadership lessons from his past leaders Steve Ballmer and Bill Gates, his management approach, One Microsoft Strategy and more. When asked about his learning from Steve Ballmer, he cited an incident with Ballmer from which he learned, ‘The lesson was that you have to stay grounded, and to be brutally honest with yourself on where you stand.”. Q.And what about Bill Gates? A. Bill is the most analytically rigorous person. He’s always very well prepared, and in the first five seconds of a meeting he’ll find some logical flaw in something I’ve shown him. I’ll wonder, how can it be that I pour in all this energy and still I didn’t see something? In the beginning, I used to say, “I’m really intimidated by him.” But he’s actually quite grounded. You can push back on him. He’ll argue with you vigorously for a couple of minutes, and then he’ll be the first person...
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