1st and 3rd 0 out gisclair up bot 6 8-1 cajuns
1st and 3rd 0 out gisclair up bot 6 8-1 cajuns
Harst up again with bases loaded, but K's. Two outs now.
Cajuns leave 'em loaded. Could've put the game away right there.
After a leadoff walk, Solich sets them down in order in the top of the 7th. Solich has only given up three hits so far today. Looking good for the Cajuns.
Poirrier leads off with a single. 14 hits on the day for the Cajuns.
Logan pops up the bunt. 1 out
Benzel lines into a dp to ss to end the inning (tough day for him at the plate). Was Poirrier running on the play?
Going to the 8th, Louisiana leads 8-1.
Solich K's the first two Jags, then gives up a single to the pitcher according to Gametracker.
Next batter flies out. Solich and the Cajuns cruising along.
Cajuns up and down in order in the bottom of the 8th. I think they are ready to get their three outs and go home.
Going to the 9th, Cajuns still lead 8-1.
how many k's for solich?
Dare we dream of 2 complete games to start the tournament??? posted via mobile device
One down. Is that 10 K's?
Two down. 11 K's for Solich?
Solich strikes out the side in the 9th.
Cajuns win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unbelievable. Complete game four-hitter for Solich. Sure didn't see that one coming.
GEAUX CAJUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Top of the 9th - HERE WE GEAUX!!!
Jernigan - K's lookin'!!! 2 to geaux!!!![]()
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