Parents often remark after their kids join the family, they aren’t quite sure what they used to talk about or what they did with their time. *We have pondered this topic many times ourselves. *Well, now I am starting to feel similarly about this ridiculous winter. *Everything seems to revolve around it, since we are continuously cooped up inside with two stir crazy children. *I’m tired of talking about wind chills, inches of snow, school cancellations and delays, etc.Since the end is nowhere in sight, we do the best we can to make things more enjoyable. And what better way than comfort food? *We don’t eat much pasta these days and typically opt for more nutritious grains such as quinoa, but when we do it is a treat. *This meal was the perfect indulgence and a fitting way to use up the last two jars of the 50 pounds of tomatoes I canned in late summer. *(I guess I need to try for 75 this summer!) *Dressed with a hearty tomato sauce enhanced with a touch of mascarpone and shaved Parmesan, this warmed our bellies and our spirits. *Not too much longer, right? *Right??


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