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Thread: State and BR copy UL ... again

  1. #1

    Research State and BR copy UL ... again

    Has anybody ever seen this before???

    Ernest J. Gaines Award.

    Don't the people in Baton Rouge have ANY original ideas, ANYTHING to be proud of outside of sports, politics and gambling (wait, I think I just said the same thing three times... )

    It's time for me to trot out the old story for the young 'uns.

    When Erny won Louisiana's first-ever Humanist of the Year award, a bus load of UL faculty and administrators went over to the event.

    Afterward, Dr. Gaines was standing in the middle of a group of UL folks, and the Chair for LSBR English came up to him, and right in front of our people said, "I don't know what they're paying you, but we'll double it."

    Erny is always classy. He looked at the guy and said politely, "Where were you when I needed you?"

    Finally, maybe this will explain why we get the scholars:

    "From 1935 to 1942, Louisiana State University sponsored an internationally admired literary magazine, the Southern Review, with which were associated such famed figures as Cleanth Brooks, Allen Tate, and Robert Penn Warren. In the dark days of World War II, the financially pressed university had to choose between the Southern Review and an adequate supply of fresh meat for the tiger that the school kept as the football team’s mascot. No contest.

    "The tiger won."

    Guttman, Allen. 1988. A Whole New Ball Game, University of North Carolina Press. (Quoted in The Chronicle of Higher Education, May 18, 1988, p. B2.)

  2. #2

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Once again, State and BR copy UL

    not surprising at all from at least two perspectives. first, leave it to them to let someone else develop a good idea, or softball team for that matter, and they just wander in with all the state money they've been collecting for decades and buy it for themselves: second, they are extremely ignorant on how to develop the little bit of culture they do possess. the review was a fine example of literary criticism, and the aggies let it slip right through their fingers.

  3. Default Re: Once again, State and BR copy UL

    That meat thing is absolutely crazy. If not for the reference, I would have asked where you heard this from, thinking there's no way its true... Wow!

  4. Default Re: Once again, State and BR copy UL

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunFun View Post
    _ Has anybody ever seen this before???

    Ernest J. Gaines Award.

    Don't the people in Baton Rouge have ANY original ideas, ANYTHING to be proud of outside of sports, politics and gambling (wait, I think I just said the same thing three times... )

    We must since you all are constanly hating on us and being jealous little red headed step children. No matter what you say, deep down you know you wish you could only half of what LSU is.

  5. #5

    UL 1984, 1999 . . . . Re: Once again, State and BR copy UL

    Quote Originally Posted by am4titansandlsu View Post
    _ We must since you all are constanly hating on us and being jealous little red headed step children. No matter what you say, deep down you know you wish you could only half of what LSU is. _
    Any other school would want to have 1/2 of what LSU "has" not 1/2 of what it "is". LSU has control of the Louisiana Legislature and its MONEY, LSU is nothing to be proud of when you look at what all has been given to them in spite of state laws of "no duplication" and just common fairness among all the Colleges in the state.

  6. #6

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Once again, State and BR copy UL

    LSU: Never has so little been done with so much for so few.

  7. #7
    Zeebart21's Avatar Zeebart21 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Once again, State and BR copy UL

    Quote Originally Posted by am4titansandlsu View Post
    We must since you all are constanly hating on us and being jealous little red headed step children. No matter what you say, deep down you know you wish you could only half of what LSU is.
    Can u refute anything in the original post?


  8. #8
    Zeebart21's Avatar Zeebart21 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Once again, State and BR copy UL

    Quote Originally Posted by Louisiana84 View Post
    LSU: Never has so little been done with so much for so few.
    LOL! Stop "hating on lsu!!!"


  9. #9

    Default Re: Once again, State and BR copy UL

    Quote Originally Posted by Louisiana84 View Post
    _ LSU: Never has so little been done with so much for so few. _
    i remember how much you low, low, low mid-major sports fans loved this one a couple years back.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Once again, State and BR copy UL

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeebart21 View Post
    _ LOL! Stop "hating on lsu!!!"

    Z _
    I'll be doing that tomorrow. #1 graduates from there tomorrow afternoon and proud papa will be decked out in his RED.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Once again, State and BR copy UL

    Quote Originally Posted by BeauCajun View Post
    _ I'll be doing that tomorrow. #1 graduates from there tomorrow afternoon and proud papa will be decked out in his RED. _
    congrats to that youngster! and to you for raising you a college grad.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Once again, State and BR copy UL

    Another instance of LSU raping the state, ask La Tech how their ladies basketball team feels. LSU had been mediocre for a while, while La Tech was going to Final Fours in ladies Bball. Now that has changed, now its LSU ladies Bball in final fours, and im not sure La Tech even made the womens ncaa tourney. They want the best and they will get it, by hook or by crook.

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