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Thread: University recognizes faculty advisers

  1. Alumni University recognizes faculty advisers

      UL recently recognized its faculty members as “Outstanding Advisers.”

    It’s the third year that the university has honored faculty who take on the added role as advisers who guide students in their academic course planning.

    This year, 45 with three or more years of advising experience received $1,000 awards while 10 new faculty advisers with less than three years advising experience received $500 awards.

    The rest of the story

    Homes SO Clean

  2. #2

    UL 1984, 1999 . . . . Re: University recognizes faculty advisers

    This is great that we recognize these fine faculty and/or advisers, but now it is time that our University of Louisiana community steps up even more and help grow the UL Foundation grow to the 3rd largest in the state. Tulane has the largest nearing 1 billion, LSU is shooting for 750.000.000. We must shoot for $250,000,000 or more. I am sure the powers that be are working on this as I type and you read, I just hope they reach those goals and the goals of the soon to be CAF.

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