What happened to the Name Game thread and discussion about UL vs. LU? Was the whole thread deleted?
Not sure but I was liking the post. Finally had some people on the LU train (even though it will never happen). It's not even under my subscribed threads.
Even if we stay as UL, I rather the reversed interlocking UL.....just need to put the L in front of the U rather than U in front of the L. It reminds me more of the old USL hats that resembled the Cardinals hats.
In the end, I think our main focus should be on trying to get the Lafayette part of the name dropped. UL does have a good ring to it but, I'm sure everyone would agree that ULL does not.
Bottom line is whoever is in charge of logos and licensing (Julie Dronet?) needs to not give radio, tv, etc. the option of names to use. We need to tell them to use one of our many names that we see on tv. Whether it be UL, Louisiana, ULL, UL Lafayette, etc. Same goes for what logo is used on tv. It's ok to have seperate logos that each sport uses, but I don't want to watch 2 football games on tv during the season and for one game you see the Ragin Cajuns hotwheels symbol and on another you see the interlocking UL. It is small things like this that will hold us back from getting the name recognition we all want.
The only reason I brought up the "LU" was as a way to circumvent the legal requirement of a city tag with UL. It is not about whether or not there can be more than one UL out there. BTW, that doesn't seem to bother OSU (Oregon State, Oklahoma State, Ohio State), USC (southern Cal or South Carolina), UM (Missouri, Michigan, Minnesota), UT (Texas, Tennessee), UA (Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas), etc., etc.
I, too, prefer the UL, regardless of Louisville. This is only regarding a way to avoid the "at Lafayette" city tag legal requirement. No one has yet addressed that.
Look, University of Alabama uses "Bama" and University of Mississippi uses "Ole Miss"... we use "Louisiana" or "UL". Maybe I have too wide a mental bandwidth but it isn't confusing to me one bit. People, companies, and universities use nicknames all of the time and generally everyone eventually follows along. Our choice in "to be called..." offends the rest of the state. So what? When did we ever expect others in this state to respectfully contribute to our cause? Why get tied up with some jackass who isn't a UL fan about our name?
Are those in his circle of friends going to stop calling Dr. Joseph Savoie "T-Joe" just because the state may and probably will demand he sign his full name on anything official? Let these azz clowns fondle themselves into a lather. What will truly make a difference in our cause will not be supported in any way by that group of haters.
They keep sniffing our back sides for something to fight about... they are the haters of everything "not them". Don't be one of them. If you are visiting their fan forums and cackling butt noise, you are in the same category of discarded body matter that they are.
That may be true, but the fact is, we are Louisiana Lafayette EVERYWHERE except in Lafayette. And, it is not just a legal name (LSUA&M vs. LSU or UL Lafayette vs. UL), because LSU does not have a law mandating that it use its official name universally including athletics like we do with the city tag requirement for UL. I don't want to go another 10 + years of fighting the name game. I, too, think we are UL and Louisiana and we are taking bolder steps each day towards that. Maybe Dr. S has the political clout to get that changed. I was simply trying to find a way to circumvent this rediculuous law so that we can find a single consistent (statewide and national) reference to our school that is not ULL or Louisiana Lafayette or U LA LA. Try living outside of Lafayette and you'll see that we are Louisiana Lafayette and not the UL that our local press refers to (thankfully).
Look, I am all for calling us UL and Louisiana. It is not about that. It is what everyone else calls us and, outside of Lafayette, that is Louisiana Lafayette and UL L. I live in Houston and I am tired of the hypenated reference. This fight is all because of the law that I initially quoted. I am just trying to find away around the law. If the "LU" does not work, then so be it. I just don't want to be here 10 years from now still known as Louisiana Lafayette. If you live in Lafayette, you don't see the problem because everything there is UL. That is not the case everywhere else.
Bama and Ole Miss don't have laws prohibiting what they can call themselves. Plus they have history and tradition on their sides, which we do not. The same here in Texas. Texas A&M actually calls themselves the Texas Aggies. UT does not get into hysterics over that. It is just viewed as envy on the part of the Aggies. When UCLA beats Cal, they don't claim to be The University of California like ULM tries to claim if they beat us. The same for UNLV over Nevada. This continual bickering within Louisiana because of this name law is the problem and I am just trying to find away around it. Maybe we stick with what we now have (UL and Louisiana) and let Dr. S and his legislative powers work their magic to get this finally changed.
I understand what you are both trying to stay but the bottom line is that, for now, we are stuck w/ the "Lafayette." It's not just about what people call us nationally. You can't find much memoriabilia w/o "Lafayette" somewhere on it. I understand we try and beat it by putting "Lafayette" in black stitching on a black hat but until it is officially dropped it will not change. I don't know if that has to do with the state or with the Logos and Licensing Dept. at UL. But like you said, hopefully T-Joe can make a change to that in some way. I would also have to think that Monroe would have a problem w/ us officially being UL and them still having to be ULM. They would prabably argue that it makes them sound like their under us. Kinda like LSU and LSUE.
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