Poirrier with a nightmare inning. Strikes out with a runner on second and throws away a ground ball that eventually leads to an unearned run.
Poirrier with a nightmare inning. Strikes out with a runner on second and throws away a ground ball that eventually leads to an unearned run.
Come on Guillory.
UL 3
NU 4
Cajuns go down in order in the 9th.
Our defense does us in again. Twice in one week so far. Moody and Glass both pitched well, we can't afford to have errors throwing from our second baseman to first.
It's one thing to lose, but to lose so often due to errors is really frustrating. Cajuns let one get away from them. This was probably our only chance for a win this week.
13 strikeouts. That makes 25 in the last 2 games.
Hawkins can't strike out 3 times in a game. You can't make throwing errors. You can't strike out with the bases loaded.
And here comes everyone with their opinions after a loss....
Where is everyone's opinions after a win?
Well don't read a messageboard after a loss then. A messageboard is a place for opinions. I would have been excited to beat the number 6 team in the country but we gave them the game. It's pretty frustrating.
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