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Thread: Researchers Predict Demise of Facebook with 80-Percent User Exodus by 2017, Doubt It

  1. Default Researchers Predict Demise of Facebook with 80-Percent User Exodus by 2017, Doubt It

    A lot can change in three years. In 2011, Google launched its own social network, Ultrabooks became a thing, Steve Ballmer was the head of Microsoft for the foreseeable future, and it looked like we'd all own a glasses-free 3D TV someday soon. That's really just a sampling of how the landscape has changed in three short years, but it begs...

  2. Default Facebook on the verge of losing 80 percent of its users, say Princeton researchers

    If you’ve ever felt like Facebook is little more than an epidemic spreading through society like a contagious disease, you might not be too far off base. Researchers from Princeton University have ultimately reached the same grim diagnosis, believing that users will slowly become immune to its attraction and will...


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