Kill this thread please. Don't need this race bating drama during recruiting time.
Kill this thread please. Don't need this race bating drama during recruiting time.
Johnny football was criticized for being a college student with an Instagram account. I'm glad there wasn't pictures of everything I did in college and posted on the internet. Johnny football caught so much crap bc he was a rich white kid, he doesn't need the money. You had people saying the could understand if he was poor why he would sell his autograph. It's a double standard. This is also coming from a guy, that classified all lawyers as slime, everyone who works offshore is trash, everyone in a fraternity has a big truck. If this guy was a saint and not a seahawk he would be all over it. You are a hypocrite dude. Rob gronkowski catches crisp all the time bc of the way he acts off the field partying and hanging out with pornstars. Sherman acted like an idiot. This entire country is not racist and even his fellow black players thought it was foolish. They didn't think it was wrong, but it was foolish. I don't care where he grew up, what school he went to. They guy acted like a degenerate arse. He is a professional paid to represent a league. If anyone else would act that way representing their company, they would be fired. ...regardless of race, education or ethnical background.
What about Riley Cooper? What color is his skin? Although he said something much worse, did the media not have a field day with his comments?? It's ok to say a guy you cheer for probably didnt make the wisest decision in the heat of the moment. I know I have made critical comments towards UL-L players actions.
Talk about broad keeping tabs on me? You can put words in my mouth all you won't change the fact that the real reason most of america is uncomfortable with this is because of the color of his skin. Manziel for all the "crap" he took came out of everything smelling like roses. Why? Because in the end people really didn't care. For all the malarkey he pulled, people really never turned their backs on him. His fans came out and supported him. The backlash Sherman is facing for shooting off at the mouth in the heat of the moment trumps anything Manziel had to deal with. Why? It's the terms.
Johnnyusa was not the only person I heard use the word "animal" when describing him. On here yes, but going to the back doctor yesterday I heard 5-10 times from people who had no clue who he is or what he has done with his life. Another word I hear a lot of...Thug. That was never applied to Manziel and outside of hockey, a white man will rarely ever be labeled a thug. But any college player who gets in trouble with the law or is not soft spoken is labeled a thug. Go back and watch Sherman's beats commercial...think about how that must feel. You graduated from Stanford, but because you grew up in Compton and have dreadlocks on your head...they label you a thug if you are outspoken. That's the pitiful part of it.
You can call what I am saying race baiting all you want...but it is how we are as a society. I get caught up in it too. It all stems from how we were raised as children. It's our zeitgeist that is the problem.
The media had a field day, but was it really ever as big as what is happening with this Sherman deal? It's Tuesday morning...ESPN is still talking about it, and I highly doubt they will let it die. Cooper may have been the top story for a day or two. I have always called a spade, a spade. I will criticize players on teams I cheer for...regardless of the selective memory of a few people here who takes notes on sad is that. I wholesale agree that it wasn't the wisest decision in the world, even he accepted that and apologized already...yet no one has linked to his apology yet on this site. But, I still see nothing wrong with what he did. And if anyone who wasn't taking good enough notes...remember when the Saints bounty scandal reply to it was...I saw nothing wrong with bounties at all...because they were part of the game. I criticized the front office and the coaches for doing it after being told not to. So to those who think they know what I said...kindly ____ off.
I call Klemperer like I see em. You are no better than anyone else if you get caught up in it. I don't, it takes all kinda in this world. You are the one painting broad strokes, you just said one persons name and in turn said everyone was racist. The dude acted like a jackass. He is in public eye, don't want criticism...don't act like a jackass. He sure doesn't mind the money that public eye brings though. He had and has a chance to help change that perception and be a roll model for troubled youth from bad areas, instead he chose to be an idiot. People like you try to justify it and defend it. If he would have acted normal, think how great his story could be. Instead you get what's going on now. Nobody wants to be personally accountable for their words or actions, always someone else's fault.
In his apology he said "To those who would call me a thug or worse because I show passion on a football field -- don't judge a person's character by what they do between the lines," Sherman wrote in the column posted on "Judge a man by what he does off the field..."
Does he not realize his comments weren't made between the lines? They were actually made off the field. Haha.
Anyways, Looks like we'll have to agree to disagree. Congrats on your teams good year.
But what did he do that was so...awful? Did he curse? Did he talk about Crabtree's mother? Did he stab someone? Did he punch Erin Andrews in the face? He held himself accountable and apologized case you just decided to not read or hear that part. He let his emotions get the best of him, but still did nothing bad enough to get the attention he is currently receiving. So why is he receiving this attention? Why is he such a jackass? Aaron Hernandez is a jackass. Richard Sherman just likes to trash talk and did it on national tv. You are falling right into that trap yourself. Making a mountain out of a molehill just because the dude is not the right shade. I thought you didn't get caught up in it?
His first comments were still kinda of on the the interview with Erin Andrews was while he was still in uniform and on the field. His press conference...yeah that was off the field. Like I said the guy shot off at the mouth, not once but twice. He still didn't drop any expletives and never made anything too personal. It was all related to on field performance. Had he came out and said that Crabtree has a venerial disease and his momma is a ho...then I think he crossed a line. For the attention it is receiving...there has to be something else behind this.
if Wes welker would have acted that way I would have thought he was an idiot. Why apologize if he did nothing wrong? I would never apologize if I felt I didn't do anything wrong. You are making the mountain, did he get fired? Will he not be able to play in the Super Bowl? Will get fined? No he took a PR hit and was his fault. He chose to act that way. If any player would have done that, I would have thought he was an idiot. I have a problem with the way he acted and not what he said. Maybe you should listen to some of the people there criticizing him...guess what? They are black. You are acting like it's some big white movement. Everyone is on the dude for acting like an idiot. There is a 2 week period until the Super Bowl, what else you think the talking heads are gonna talk about? What other dead horse can they beat?
OK then...where is the 5-6 page thread for when Wes Welker made fun of Rex Ryan's foot fetish in an interview? It never existed. He definitely did it...which was way worse than anything Richard Sherman has said in an interview. That was a personal attack on a head coach for a rival team. Why not label Wes Welker as a thug or an animal? Because that isn't how it works. That is the sad part of all this. Person A gets a pass because he isn't the wrong color, Person B gets labeled because he is the wrong color. I'm not making this ____ up.
Whatever dude, people like you are the biggest problem of racism. I guess Sherman calling Crabtree a sorry receiver isn't personal. Everybody in the country is wrong, white black and Hispanic. They are all wrong except Richard Sherman and cajun hawk.
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