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Thread: I don't think anyone will beat Seattle.

  1. #37

    Default Re: I don't think anyone will beat Seattle.

    I think people are making a much bigger deal than it should be. He didn't say anything profane or ignorant. He was just yelling so it came of a little much (roid rage?) He has a personality that a lot of people do not like but that hardly makes someone a thug or a bad person. Athletes have been saying stupid things in the heat of the moment since the beginning of sports. That is whole point of letting the media onto the field and in the locker room before the players even have time to shower or change. Hell at least the guy has passion.

  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunJack55 View Post
    I think people are making a much bigger deal than it should be. He didn't say anything profane or ignorant. He was just yelling so it came of a little much (roid rage?) He has a personality that a lot of people do not like but that hardly makes someone a thug or a bad person. Athletes have been saying stupid things in the heat of the moment since the beginning of sports. That is whole point of letting the media onto the field and in the locker room before the players even have time to shower or change. Hell at least the guy has passion.
    I respect passion. But the heat of the moment argument is null in void when you give 2 subsequent interviews with other outlets just as belligerent. I watched the post game on ESPN I think, where Russ Wilson sat next to Sherman and presented himself with graciousness and class. Couldn't help but think "that's how a professional behaves".

    Anyway, Sherman has a history of this crap. He's an aggitator. Part of his game, which is BS in my eyes. He's talented enough to beat ppl fair and square, without the antics.

  3. #39

    Default Re: I don't think anyone will beat Seattle.

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    I respect passion. But the heat of the moment argument is null in void when you give 2 subsequent interviews with other outlets just as belligerent. I watched the post game on ESPN I think, where Russ Wilson sat next to Sherman and presented himself with graciousness and class. Couldn't help but think "that's how a professional behaves".

    Anyway, Sherman has a history of this crap. He's an aggitator. Part of his game, which is BS in my eyes. He's talented enough to beat ppl fair and square, without the antics.
    I agree that kind of behavior has always annoyed me when playing sports but I would be lying if I said that it never got to me when an opposing player did it. It's part of his game/personality. He doesn't take cheap shots, he doesn't hurt people, he just has a big mouth. I get the professional part of it, but it is just a billion dollar game. He is a very smart kid and he realizes the consequences of his actions. He now knows he will get 2 weeks of non stop coverage going into the SB. I just think some people take it a little to far with the criticism but again when you act like that you better get ready for the backlash.

    Here is a great SI column on the guy for anyone interested..He answers to all his critics...

  4. #40

    Default Re: I don't think anyone will beat Seattle.

    There is more than one way to skin a cat. While some people have problems with what Sherman did saying its unsportsmanlike. How is this any different from Manning or Brees running up the score or staying in a game they didn't need to be in just to get an INDUVIDUAL record? That is as unsportsmanlike or worse than what Sherman did. But...since it's coming from a dreadlocked corner back from Compton, it's a problem, but if it's from an awe shucks quaterback from New's ok. I'm not trying to come out and call people racist, but this xenophobic approach really hamstrings people. Sauce for the goose. If Peyton can be as selfish as humanly possible by staying in a game and risk injury just to get an injury when it meant nothing to the team but risking to ruin their should be perfectly fine for a guy who just sent his team to the Super Bowl to celebrate and earned the right to trash talk to a guy who trash talked him all week long. Sauce...for the goose

  5. #41

    Default Re: I don't think anyone will beat Seattle.

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    There is more than one way to skin a cat. While some people have problems with what Sherman did saying its unsportsmanlike. How is this any different from Manning or Brees running up the score or staying in a game they didn't need to be in just to get an INDUVIDUAL record? That is as unsportsmanlike or worse than what Sherman did. But...since it's coming from a dreadlocked corner back from Compton, it's a problem, but if it's from an awe shucks quaterback from New's ok. I'm not trying to come out and call people racist, but this xenophobic approach really hamstrings people. Sauce for the goose. If Peyton can be as selfish as humanly possible by staying in a game and risk injury just to get an injury when it meant nothing to the team but risking to ruin their should be perfectly fine for a guy who just sent his team to the Super Bowl to celebrate and earned the right to trash talk to a guy who trash talked him all week long. Sauce...for the goose

    And to answer your question, it's not remotely the same thing. You're comparing two quarterbacks doing what they're paid to do for the duration of a game vs. a guy who's a known instigator instigating during a game then embarrassing himself on national TV afterwards PURPOSELY. Sherman is a VERY smart guy, he knew exactly what he was doing. What he did last night was no different than a professional wrestling "villain" playing it up for the cameras, and the fact that he's black or from Compton has NOTHING to do with ANYTHING.

  6. #42
    Cajunjeb is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: I don't think anyone will beat Seattle.

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    There is more than one way to skin a cat. While some people have problems with what Sherman did saying its unsportsmanlike. How is this any different from Manning or Brees running up the score or staying in a game they didn't need to be in just to get an INDUVIDUAL record? That is as unsportsmanlike or worse than what Sherman did. But...since it's coming from a dreadlocked corner back from Compton, it's a problem, but if it's from an awe shucks quaterback from New's ok. I'm not trying to come out and call people racist, but this xenophobic approach really hamstrings people. Sauce for the goose. If Peyton can be as selfish as humanly possible by staying in a game and risk injury just to get an injury when it meant nothing to the team but risking to ruin their should be perfectly fine for a guy who just sent his team to the Super Bowl to celebrate and earned the right to trash talk to a guy who trash talked him all week long. Sauce...for the goose
    Brees or Manning staying in a game to achieve a record, I would think, would not be their decision alone. I would think a coach would have some say in that decision. Personal, yes. Positive, yes.

    What Sherman said was personal and negative. It was unnecessary. In the heat of the moment, he went negative against a fellow competitor. Could have taken the high road.

  7. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    There is more than one way to skin a cat. While some people have problems with what Sherman did saying its unsportsmanlike. How is this any different from Manning or Brees running up the score or staying in a game they didn't need to be in just to get an INDUVIDUAL record? That is as unsportsmanlike or worse than what Sherman did. But...since it's coming from a dreadlocked corner back from Compton, it's a problem, but if it's from an awe shucks quaterback from New's ok. I'm not trying to come out and call people racist, but this xenophobic approach really hamstrings people. Sauce for the goose. If Peyton can be as selfish as humanly possible by staying in a game and risk injury just to get an injury when it meant nothing to the team but risking to ruin their should be perfectly fine for a guy who just sent his team to the Super Bowl to celebrate and earned the right to trash talk to a guy who trash talked him all week long. Sauce...for the goose

    ...but you are comparing him to someone who risks injuries to take the team he is on to the super bowl. Comparing him to those two quaterbacks who have given more to communities they REPRESENT in roles of charity, leadership and conduct on and off the field is like comparing apples to oranges.

  8. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    There is more than one way to skin a cat. While some people have problems with what Sherman did saying its unsportsmanlike. How is this any different from Manning or Brees running up the score or staying in a game they didn't need to be in just to get an INDUVIDUAL record? That is as unsportsmanlike or worse than what Sherman did. But...since it's coming from a dreadlocked corner back from Compton, it's a problem, but if it's from an awe shucks quaterback from New's ok. I'm not trying to come out and call people racist, but this xenophobic approach really hamstrings people. Sauce for the goose. If Peyton can be as selfish as humanly possible by staying in a game and risk injury just to get an injury when it meant nothing to the team but risking to ruin their should be perfectly fine for a guy who just sent his team to the Super Bowl to celebrate and earned the right to trash talk to a guy who trash talked him all week long. Sauce...for the goose
    I would ask if you actually believe what you just typed, but I've been reading your posts for years now...

  9. #45

    Default Re: I don't think anyone will beat Seattle.

    I expect Denver to beat Seattle in the Super Bowl.

  10. #46

    Default Re: I don't think anyone will beat Seattle.

    I love 'Hawks posts on here, but does anyone really expect him to admit that Sherman and the corn dog throwing fan-base embarrassed Seattle last night???

    The crap that they pulled last night are the very things that 'Hawk crucifies other fan-bases/teams for on a daily basis!!

  11. Default Re: I don't think anyone will beat Seattle.

    Hawk has a lot of Sherman in him, keep that in mind.

    Pulling the race card was too easy on this one. I expect better from you Hawk.. for shame.

  12. #48

    Default Re: I don't think anyone will beat Seattle.

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Hawk has a lot of Sherman in him, keep that in mind.

    Pulling the race card was too easy on this one. I expect better from you Hawk.. for shame.
    Yes, totally ridiculous to pull the race card here. This guy CHOSE to grow his hair for whatever reason, he CHOSE to act like an animal while standing next to a nice lady. Nothing genetic about having long hair and having a bad attitude.

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