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Thread: Google Developing Smart Contact Lens To Assist Diabetics, A Previous Microsoft Vision

  1. Default Google Testing 'smart' Contact Lens for People with Diabetes

    The device would measure glucose levels using the wearer's tears

    Homes SO Clean

  2. Default Google is Developing a Smart Contact Lens

    Moving beyond Glass, Google is working on a smart contact lens that would use tiny chips, sensors and antennas to continuously test diabetics' blood sugar levels and make it easier for them to stay healthy.

    Homes SO Clean

  3. Default Google Developing Smart Contact Lens To Assist Diabetics, A Previous Microsoft Vision

    If ever you were concerned that you may not yet be living in the future, allow Google to assuage those fears. The company's famed X division -- the one where all of the super secret projects develop -- has just announced a new smart contact lens initiative. Yes, a contact lens from Google. Interestingly enough, the project isn't at all what...

  4. Default Google makes first contact lens

    Search engine giant Google (NASDAQ:GOOG) has always had a Cyclopean-like focus on high-tech research. All research related to the human eye or vision is a particular favorite of the company. Bloggers over the years have regaled us with spellbinding accounts of autonomous automobiles, fashion crimes

  5. Default Google develops contact lens that can monitor glucose levels

    Google has developed a contact lens that contains a glucose sensor, antenna, capacitor and a chip designed to help those with diabetes. The lens, which doesn’t restrict eyesight, takes glucose readings twice every second and sends the information to an external monitoring device via radio frequencies.


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