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Thread: 2014 Branding Fiasco: UL-Lafayette or UL-L (SBC Reference Guide)

  1. #685

    Default Re: The UL name thing

    Quote Originally Posted by RayneCajun View Post
    September 2014, in a NFL city, on a Sunday night:

    Charles Tillman
    THE University of Hyphen

    Sorry peanut, thanks for your efforts!! Remember the fans got your back, but your university doesn't! Man we were so close!

    Geaux Cajuns!!!
    Forever a Cajun fan!
    Man, don't give up. Don't EVER give up!

  2. #686

    Default What Savoie should have done.

    Instead of making himself look weak in the eyes of his supporters and critics alike, is named the school after himself. If T-Joe is good enough for Joe, Joseph, Joe Joe, Joey, or whatever the hell his name is, then why not for the school. Call us T-UL. Everyone in Louisiana who knows anything about Cajun culture would know that T-stood for "THE". That way we could use the excuse that we were using the cultural dialect in the name of the school or the sports teams. Everyone around here would know that T-UL would stand for The University of Louisiana, and yet the biggest detractors and critics could not say jack $h!+ because legally we wouldn't be using any formal means to refer to ourselves as UL or the university of Louisiana. It would have been a brilliant strategy. I would have bought a whole ficking wardrobe to support it. And it would have been a total knock it out the park grand slam.

    Why not T-Joe? If you can call yourself T-Joe when your legal name is Joseph, then why can't you of all people nickname the sports teams T-UL? This would have not only made you look strong and courageous to your local supporters, it would have been a stroke of Cajun genius that would have set the town ablaze and sent your detractors screaming and running for cover. Giving up and compromising is not the way to win. It's the way to say we lost, but we didn't bleed our guts out in public. Being smart and putting the battle on your own terms in your own time is the way to win the battle. One day this administration will get that.

  3. Default Re: The UL name thing

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    LOL!!Boomer, the boogeyman is in the closet! He is anywhere and everywhere except Martin Hall! Let's stop blaming others and start asking why for a change. Send your email to the president and ask the question, why sir?

    On the Advocate, I'm busting your balls because you read the NO paper on line and they do not refer to this university as UL or Louisiana. You love Smith so much you gving him a pass? LOL!!
    -----AGAIN---T--you are putting things into your posts that are not things that belong to me-----Never did I mention that the administration was not at fault---I mentioned that I didn't know what was on the plate for T-Joe's actions (huge difference)-----AGAIN T you are framing things in a way that I did not phrase it---Do you, can you, understand the difference that choice is? I said that I would support the DA and not the MA when purchasing a newspaper because one is our Lafayette paper that calls UL by the name I wish it to be called----Can you understand that?? AGAIN you mention the Smith guy and say I love him---I am the one who wrote to him about the fact that UL players have dropped off his top 50 list---- T I ask you in fairness dude---don't say that I say things that I don't ----And Please no AD HOMINEMS and don't be so defensive!!!

  4. #688

    Default Re: Why not ULA

    I'm sure it's too late...

  5. #689



  6. #690

    Default Re: Why not ULA

    It was genius when you said it weeks ago. It's even smarter now.

  7. #691
    douglas's Avatar douglas is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Sun Belt reference guide: Call it UL-Lafayette or UL-L

    Quote Originally Posted by LSUalum0515 View Post
    aren't you unemployed and on disability? I'm a lawyer in private practice full time and own a couple of side ventures. I'm may be called a "shyster" but not a sod-buster. And the A&M brings in grant money, lots of it.
    Also, we graduate 69% of our students and UL graduates 44% of its students. I wouldn't head down the academic road if I were you.
    wtf is it 1920? be a fine coca-cola dandy and run along and wax poetic on tiger droppings

  8. #692

    Default Re: Sun Belt reference guide: Call it UL-Lafayette or UL-L

    Buckley tweeted that UL-L was APPROVED by UL President Joseph Savoie!

  9. #693

    Default Re: Why not ULA

    1. Create a special tax district around UL.
    2. Designate it Acadia or Acadian City
    3. Profit

    So who has Durel on speed dial.

  10. Default Re: Sun Belt reference guide: Call it UL-Lafayette or UL-L

    Quote Originally Posted by Bankruptcyman View Post
    That is about the most pompous, elitest post I have read in a long time. UL is all about opportunity not who your daddy is. I am reminded once again why people hate attorneys.
    -----Why people hate SOME attorneys----We love you Bank-R!!!

  11. #695

    Default Re: What Savoie should have done.

    t stand for little so we would be little UL?

  12. #696

    Default UL, Sun Belt Misfire on School Identification - From the Bird's Nest

    Here ya go. Happy reading.

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