Hammer God loves children, and yes, even those entering their second childhood. Somebody found a word ad hominem, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem, and actually is one of the first lucid comment Boomer has made in years, yet so wrong.
Agreed, zero evidence that what the administration said was accurate. They did zero to advance an opportunity to play a better foe in Shreveport, ZERO. As for NOLA Bowl? They are never going to crap on us again, they see the green and had a good second and third team available, but not one would bring close to what we brought in dollars. I suspect we had a reasonable amount of time to see if Shreveport was serious. We told them to go Pizz off. That is just stupid.
BOOMER prefers to believe the the heir of the fossil, who learned at the porch of Blanco than his eyes, ears, and common sense. How many times can one man be lied to, deceived, and still believe. Apparently like Jesus said about forgiveness, as often as they tell him it is SO.