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Thread: 2014 Branding Fiasco: UL-Lafayette or UL-L (SBC Reference Guide)

  1. #757

    Default Re: UL, Sun Belt Misfire on School Identification - From the Bird's Nest

    T-Joe, are you ____ing reading this????

  2. #758

    Default Louis

    I love this app "the score" but when they were using LALA as the university's acronym I emailed the owner and asked them to change it to UL or Louisiana. He is what he did. lol. Notice that the mens team is Louis and the womens team is UL-Laf. Oh well

    Attached Images Attached Images  

  3. #759

    Default It is official: SUN BELT oks LOUISIANA RAGIN' CAJUNS-Breaking news

  4. #760

    Default Re: SBC OKs 'Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns' while UL Suffers Brain Cramps with UL-L

    "We chose to submit UL-L for those isolated instances where as abbreviation was needed". Are you ____ing serious? Which part of their brain was telling these people that if any form of ULL was laid out there that the Conference, National media and our adversaries in the form of our so called "sister" Universities would not pick up "UL-L" and run with it????? This is clueless to the point of incompetence and heads need to roll.

  5. #761

    Default Re: SBC OKs 'Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns' while UL Suffers Brain Cramps with UL-L

    So if our nickname is Louisiana ragin Cajuns, when we play Monroe and the cbs ticker has the score it won't read UL Monroe and Louisiana, it will read UL lafayette. That ticker doesn't use nicknames

  6. #762

    Default Re: What Savoie should have done.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bandwagon King View Post
    Instead of making himself look weak in the eyes of his supporters and critics alike, is named the school after himself. If T-Joe is good enough for Joe, Joseph, Joe Joe, Joey, or whatever the hell his name is, then why not for the school. Call us T-UL. Everyone in Louisiana who knows anything about Cajun culture would know that T-stood for "THE". That way we could use the excuse that we were using the cultural dialect in the name of the school or the sports teams. Everyone around here would know that T-UL would stand for The University of Louisiana, and yet the biggest detractors and critics could not say jack $h!+ because legally we wouldn't be using any formal means to refer to ourselves as UL or the university of Louisiana. It would have been a brilliant strategy. I would have bought a whole ficking wardrobe to support it. And it would have been a total knock it out the park grand slam.

    Why not T-Joe? If you can call yourself T-Joe when your legal name is Joseph, then why can't you of all people nickname the sports teams T-UL? This would have not only made you look strong and courageous to your local supporters, it would have been a stroke of Cajun genius that would have set the town ablaze and sent your detractors screaming and running for cover. Giving up and compromising is not the way to win. It's the way to say we lost, but we didn't bleed our guts out in public. Being smart and putting the battle on your own terms in your own time is the way to win the battle. One day this administration will get that.

  7. #763

    Default Re: It is official: SUN BELT oks LOUISIANA RAGIN' CAJUNS-Breaking news

    Quote Originally Posted by UL_Cajuns View Post
    We will see if the Sun Belt actually uses our full Athletic name.
    Let's roll with this.
    Read Jay's blog. I think we all agree that the conference will likely use our abbreviated name rather than the full athletic name that we prefer

  8. Default Re: Louis

    Quote Originally Posted by leeman View Post
    I love this app "the score" but when they were using LALA as the university's acronym I emailed the owner and asked them to change it to UL or Louisiana. He is what he did. lol. Notice that the mens team is Louis and the womens team is UL-Laf. Oh well
    Shouldn't the woman's team be Ana?

  9. Default Re: It is official: SUN BELT oks LOUISIANA RAGIN' CAJUNS-Breaking news


  10. Default Re: UL, Sun Belt Misfire on School Identification - From the Bird's Nest

    Here is my worry: Anything with "University" or "U" when coupled with "Louisiana" or "L" can be fought.

    This would include "UL" or "LU" just a worry.

  11. #767

    Default Re: UL, Sun Belt Misfire on School Identification - From the Bird's Nest

    First off--BRAVO, Jay!!!! The BEST blog you've every written!!(IMO)

    Second--I think that MOST if not close to ALL on this board are displeased with Martin Hall to the point that, if given the chance, T-Hyphen would be fired! In fact, Jay had that discussion with a caller on his show yesterday. Unfortunately, he doesn't stand for re-election-- a university president would have to ______ off the board of supervisors to be in any danger. This from the UL System Bylaws:
    B. Terms of Appointment. The president of an institution shall be employed at the pleasure
    or will of the Board of Supervisors, at a salary fixed by the Board.
    Upon recommendation of the System President, the university president may be
    appointed to a tenured academic rank position within a discipline. (Revision approved

    Bottom line--We're STUCK with him in his ivory tower, unless there are any people who are in our camp that have money and political influence.....

  12. #768

    Default Re: It is official: SUN BELT oks LOUISIANA RAGIN' CAJUNS-Breaking news

    we did what ULM told us to do

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