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Thread: 2014 Branding Fiasco: UL-Lafayette or UL-L (SBC Reference Guide)

  1. #409

    Default Re: Time to Push Back!

    My email to our fearless leader:

    Mr. Doc Jo(k)e -T Savoie,
    Did I call you by the wrong name? I apologize. Let me begin by voicing my displeasure for your recent actions. I am beyond upset with your decision to give up on something, we the supporters of this sinking University, have fought for two decades. We were finally making strides towards achieving the name we have been fighting for. CBS, Fox Sports, and many other news outlets were beginning to recognize us as Louisiana. Now all hope is lost. We can continue to fight for our name, which I will do, however we now have an uphill battle. By your cowardly decision to keep the competition happy, you have thrown your own supporters under the bus. Everyone who has been fighting us on the name dispute will mock and laugh at us because YOU were a coward. I demand an explanation. If there were powers over your head to forced you to make this call, I want names. Until you retract your white flag, I will no longer financially support this University. I will go so far as to hold protests on your lawn, Martin Hall. I will voice my displeasure to all who will listen and lobby for all to remove their financial contributions. I hope you begin to realize the impact of your decision will be detrimental to the success of the University you are attempting to "lead" and nothing good will come of your milquetoast actions. You wanted peace? Now you have war. Good luck fixing the one doc, you will need it.

    Once Proud Alum

  2. #410

    Default Re: UL - University of Lafayette

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    Yes, but it never did, they just use that as an excuse. The name sounds BIG TIME.
    Correct. I don't think they will see any difference with University of Louisiana or Louisiana University. It will get faught just as hard.

  3. #411

    Default Re: Aaron Martin's Response to Sun Belt's University Reference Guide

    Quote Originally Posted by scotto_25 View Post
    Jay, where's your BLOG? Everyone's keeping quite, I'm sure you had an inkling that this was coming...? Ready to read when it's ready.

    Any explanation, IMO, is like putting a Band-Aid on a missing limb or maybe covering up a dog turd with grass....

    Nope. Didn't know it was coming. This is the first I've heard of the hyphen. I was on the air when this release came out and then had to go to the Dome.

    I've been on the phone this morning. There will be a blog and discussion on the show.

    Now, I don't know what good a blog will do for you since you don't want any explanations. But I've got to get something from all the parties because there are a few contradictions.

    Anyway, I'm on it.

  4. #412

    Default Re: Sun Belt reference guide: Call it UL-Lafayette or UL-L

    Quote Originally Posted by CoolCajun123 View Post
    I dont see where the SBC has any jurisdiction to dictate what this university refers to itself as. If they dont like the name we choose then we should seperate ourselves from the conference
    They don't. Which is why they said they can't mandate it. But they do have the jurisdiction to dictate what is in their programs/web sites etc and apperently ESPN asks them what to call us. When you choose to be in a conference you get perks such as bowl tie ins, guarenteed scheduling and of course TV deals. In exhange you get things like shared revenues from postseason and a governing body....But that is not the point, we were the ones who caved on this...

  5. #413

    Default Re: Aaron Martin's Response to Sun Belt's University Reference Guide

    Quote Originally Posted by BirdofParadise View Post
    Nope. Didn't know it was coming. This is the first I've heard of the hyphen. I was on the air when this release came out and then had to go to the Dome.

    I've been on the phone this morning. There will be a blog and discussion on the show.

    Now, I don't know what good a blog will do for you since you don't want any explanations. But I've got to get something from all the parties because there are a few contradictions.

    Anyway, I'm on it.
    Thank You, Jay! Any light you can shed will be appreciated--the SILENCE from Reinhardt Drive and Martin Hall is DEAFENING....

  6. #414

    Default Re: Aaron Martin's Response to Sun Belt's University Reference Guide

    Quote Originally Posted by barisaxman View Post
    Thank You, Jay! Any light you can shed will be appreciated--the SILENCE from Reinhardt Drive and Martin Hall is DEAFENING....

  7. UL Basketball Re: Aaron Martin's Response to Sun Belt's University Reference Guide

    Thanks Jay for you past and future attempts at explaining away every failure. We fans are just too small minded, too uneducated to understand.

    Of course the administration at USL, UL, UL-L has always felt we were not worth keeping in the loop so there we be, the great unwashed, and frankly ignorant fans of some university located in Lafayette, not sure what to call um.

  8. #416

    Default Re: UL - University of Lafayette

    University of Louisiana-Acadiana

  9. #417

    Default Re: Sun Belt reference guide: Call it UL-Lafayette or UL-L

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunsmike View Post
    We were not UL-L'd to death at last night's game. I think he introduced us as Louisiana's Ragin Cajuns but I was not really paying attention.
    I couldn't make the game, but we were UL Lafayette all night........

  10. #418

    Default Re: UL - University of Lafayette

    Universite' des Acadiens

  11. UL Basketball Re: Sun Belt reference guide: Call it UL-Lafayette or UL-L

    Sorry Frenchie, but that is not what I heard. I heard a whole lot of Louisiana Lafayette, and Louisiana Ragin Cajuns, but not one Louisiana, and of course no UL.

  12. #420

    Default Re: UL - University of Lafayette

    University of Acadiana over University of Louisiana - Acadiana...we would still be linked to ULM if we kept University of Louisiana - Acadiana.

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