My email to our fearless leader:
Mr. Doc Jo(k)e -T Savoie,
Did I call you by the wrong name? I apologize. Let me begin by voicing my displeasure for your recent actions. I am beyond upset with your decision to give up on something, we the supporters of this sinking University, have fought for two decades. We were finally making strides towards achieving the name we have been fighting for. CBS, Fox Sports, and many other news outlets were beginning to recognize us as Louisiana. Now all hope is lost. We can continue to fight for our name, which I will do, however we now have an uphill battle. By your cowardly decision to keep the competition happy, you have thrown your own supporters under the bus. Everyone who has been fighting us on the name dispute will mock and laugh at us because YOU were a coward. I demand an explanation. If there were powers over your head to forced you to make this call, I want names. Until you retract your white flag, I will no longer financially support this University. I will go so far as to hold protests on your lawn, Martin Hall. I will voice my displeasure to all who will listen and lobby for all to remove their financial contributions. I hope you begin to realize the impact of your decision will be detrimental to the success of the University you are attempting to "lead" and nothing good will come of your milquetoast actions. You wanted peace? Now you have war. Good luck fixing the one doc, you will need it.
Once Proud Alum