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Thread: 2014 Branding Fiasco: UL-Lafayette or UL-L (SBC Reference Guide)

  1. #337

    Default Re: Sun Belt reference guide: Call it UL-Lafayette or UL-L

    So far, StevieP hasn't disappointed....not one SCINTILLA (that's "small speck" to all the Hoax trolls) of a mention of the edict on his show. Hope someome calls in this hour to at least make him address it. I think Foote will be the ONLY host today to bring it up himself--I think Jay will avoid it like the plague... jmo

  2. #338

    Default Re: Time to Push Back!

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    T-Jo forgot that there is honor in being a dissident. He should have never capitulated. He should have said NO! Let King Benson do what he is empowered to do, but NO do not accept it, sign on to it. T-Jo 7 Company can come back all they want and say this is not what they signed on for, but it is and they knew it was or should have known it.
    I agree 100%. This will be extremely tough to overcome, but we need to continue the fight.

  3. #339

    Default Re: The UL name thing

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    Dude, now you're blaming the Advocate? Come on Boomer, you know where the responsibility belongs. This is the same thought process that has gotten us to this point after how many years? Let's take a look in the mirror, because that is where it begins. In this case, the mirror is Martin Hall.
    Speaking of Martin Hall, I have a new proposal, T-Joe-Authement, and KYPU@Lafayette (know your place U). This entire deal is a complete slap in the face to Mark Hudsmith. I have been curious why T Joe has been quiet on the name thing. Now we know "the rest of the story".

  4. #340

    Default Re: Sun Belt reference guide: Call it UL-Lafayette or UL-L

    Quote Originally Posted by barisaxman View Post
    So far, StevieP hasn't disappointed....not one SCINTILLA (that's "small speck" to all the Hoax trolls) of a mention of the edict on his show. Hope someome calls in this hour to at least make him address it. I think Foote will be the ONLY host today to bring it up himself--I think Jay will avoid it like the plague... jmo
    I think Jay will address may not be what we want to here but I'm sure he will.

    Soooo any word on T-Joe this morn?? What time is he supposed to be at the podium??

    Where are you T-JOE??!

    "The Hyphen"

  5. #341

    Default Re: Sun Belt reference guide: Call it UL-Lafayette or UL-L

    The chicken would bang that drum and nobody ever had a problem screaming U-S-L.

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  6. #342

    Default Re: Sun Belt reference guide: Call it UL-Lafayette or UL-L

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunsmike View Post
    The name effort will not ultimately fail. A retreat was taken here but the surrender flag has not been raised. Eventually-may take awhile but it will happen at some point- we won't be in the same conference as ULM and their opinion will then be meaningless.
    May take a while...It has been 13 years since our name change. We had the administration on board with LOUISIANA. We were fighting the fight and were near winning it. Then the ULM game, which was a precurser to this, and now we officially just LOST it with the SBC announcement and it will never be recovered. We as fans CANNOT change what ESPN or any other network calls us. UL marketing just lost this name for us and it is a crying shame. No one fought harder for Louisiana than I did, and in one fail swoop it is gone. To say our President wants us to use UL-L and UL Lafayette, then say it is not mandated is absurd. Changing conference won't make a difference. We are now entrenched as UL-L and UL Lafayette. UL marketing is trying to crawfish on this, but there is no getting around how greatly they screwed the pooch on this while our President remains silent. I have never been so disgusted to be an alumnus of this university.

  7. #343

    Default Re: Sun Belt reference guide: Call it UL-Lafayette or UL-L

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunsmike View Post
    The name effort will not ultimately fail. A retreat was taken here but the surrender flag has not been raised. Eventually-may take awhile but it will happen at some point- we won't be in the same conference as ULM and their opinion will then be meaningless.

    Did you use hyphens on purpose?

  8. UL Football Re: Sun Belt reference guide: Call it UL-Lafayette or UL-L

    You got it HC, you got it 100%. All the bravado by the poor remaining jap soldiers on UL-L Island will never change it, Tojo, er T-Jo has spoken. The Tabby A Bomb has blown away all will.

  9. Default Re: Sun Belt reference guide: Call it UL-Lafayette or UL-L

    Quote Originally Posted by jumboragncajun View Post
    The chicken would bang that drum and nobody ever had a problem screaming U-S-L.
    I liked that logo.

    USL was a forever problem much like UL because national media did not honor it, they would say "Southwestern Louisiana" which to this day was the best recruiting tool McNeese ever had.

    Opposition used it to say Slow Learners which was one of the reasons why ULL was so frowned upon from day one.

  10. #346

    Default Re: Sun Belt reference guide: Call it UL-Lafayette or UL-L

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    I liked that logo.

    Opposition used it to say Slow Learners which was one of the reasons why ULL was so frowned upon from day one.
    I thought that was always our best logo. I would tell people USL stood for University of Super Lovers.

  11. #347


    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    I have never been so disgusted to be an alumnus of this university.
    I understand the personal financial risk our president faces to buck the system. However, giving the green light for different parties to try UL again only to let your fan base collectively take it up the backside, accountability is needed.

    At least the bus was lighter weight wise this time. +1 HC

  12. UL Football Re: Sun Belt reference guide: Call it UL-Lafayette or UL-L

    Our president has almost zero financial risk. He is fully vested into the retirement system, and if fired he could easily find other employment thus making MORE money.

    I understand that WE fans cannot see the end game, the big picture, yet we do understand the little picture, and it is ugly.

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