-------B-Bear, hammer, and H-Cajun think are all on the money-----We under sold and LTUR and others took Hyperbole to new levels----I like to look at all the competition and look at it from what is our ideal (BIG 12) Shoot for the highest and you will hit the in between----#1 who is the competition? What schools are the next in line to get into this conference or others along the way and WHY??? makes sense of far?? I would say BYU, some MWC and some ACC!!! Now lets take a look at why and what we have to do to reach their level for consideration----MARKET SIZE---every body talks about this and we cannot hatch people but we can point out that we are a rapidly growing and projected fastest growing as anywhere. Along with this we need to find out who actually is the market (LSU is Shreveport for instance)----ATTENDANCE---I think other than maybe 2 or 3 schools that we will be the Southern leader after this year
------FACILITIES---WE might have the best coming-----BUDGET---If we can get a student fee along with our continual growth we are there---Lafayette---We have the travel of both highways and flights coming into town plus maybe the greatest non Super metro in the South---Football---Getting there rapidly---Other programs----Been there and done that---------------I need you guys to add to this but when I look at the 'Where we are and the potential" we can do this!!! I would appreciate adding to this in anyway for the good or bad---It is 11:00 see you guys at the B-ball game!!!