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Thread: University in transition: Teams to plan future for UL

  1. UL 1984, 1999 . . . . University in transition: Teams to plan future for UL

      The teams of UL and community stakeholders hand-picked to help the university through its transition to a new president will hold their first meeting this week.

    UL's incoming president, Joseph Savoie, will meet with the transition team members Thursday at the Alumni Center.

    The teams will examine the key issue areas addressed in an institutional review of the university made by a consultant before a new president was named.

    The consultant and his review team made 36 recommendations ranging from training students and faculty in the use of the online course management software to more complex issues like whether or not the university's football program can afford to continue to compete at its current Division I-A status.

    The advisory teams will focus on key areas identified in the review: academic and faculty, economic development and research; student issues; university advancement; athletics; and facilities and property.

    The rest of the story

    Marsha Sills

    Homes SO Clean

  2. #2

    Default Re: University in transition: Teams to plan future for UL

    The consultant and his review team made 36 recommendations

    What are they?

  3. #3

    Default Re: University in transition: Teams to plan future for UL

    "whether or not the university's football program can afford to continue to compete at its current Division I-A status."

    This one caught my eye...How much do pull they have?

  4. #4
    rhineaux's Avatar rhineaux is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: University in transition: Teams to plan future for UL

    Quote Originally Posted by Tripple Threat View Post
    _ "whether or not the university's football program can afford to continue to compete at its current Division I-A status."

    This one caught my eye...How much do pull they have? _
    I noticed this little gem. wierd how of all the 36 different issues that were brought up, Marsha Sills decided to use that one.

    Actually, the entire article seemed like a reprint of something that was printed when the review was completed.

  5. #5

    Default Re: University in transition: Teams to plan future for UL

    Quote Originally Posted by rhineaux View Post
    I noticed this little gem. wierd how of all the 36 different issues that were brought up, Marsha Sills decided to use that one.

    she needs to worry about other things

  6. #6

    Default Re: University in transition: Teams to plan future for UL

    I think that its just a "hot button" topic; hence why that particular issue was printed. I thought I also heard from the administration (whether Savoie during the interview process, or others) after the review that moving "down" was not an option.

  7. #7

    Default Re: University in transition: Teams to plan future for UL

    Quote Originally Posted by shof View Post
    _ I think that its just a "hot button" topic; hence why that particular issue was printed. I thought I also heard from the administration (whether Savoie during the interview process, or others) after the review that moving "down" was not an option. _

    Many have opined that a major priorit is a campus beautification project and taking care of older buildings. I was just looking at the ULM Scout website and they have pictures of their "Reclaiming the Campus" photos and what their President has done over the past 2-3 years to beautify their campus. And, I have to say it is a very attractive campus with the bayou running through it. Their President took over with an athletic department deficit, run-down buildings, the school nearing fiscal insolvency and in just a few short years turned things around greatly. Even football is beating teams like Alabama while we lose to McNeese. It is time for a new President and Dr. S has a full plate in front of him. But, the challenges are exciting with a magical pot at the end of the rainbow. It is truly time for this "sleeping giant" to awaken as we have been saying now for some 30 years. It is now or never for UL. I, for one, cannot wait for him to take over, announce new initiatives, and turn this whole thing around. I suspect Scott Farmer is waiting for Dr. S as well so that all of the new athletic initiatives can be announced under Dr. S' leadership, which is as it should be.

  8. #8

    Default Re: University in transition: Teams to plan future for UL

    Quote Originally Posted by shof View Post
    _ I think that its just a "hot button" topic; hence why that particular issue was printed. I thought I also heard from the administration (whether Savoie during the interview process, or others) after the review that moving "down" was not an option. _
    Is there a link somewhere to the actual report including the 36 recommendations? I would prefer to read it myself rather than read what was written about it by someone else.

  9. #9
    Zeebart21's Avatar Zeebart21 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: University in transition: Teams to plan future for UL

    Quote Originally Posted by DestinCajun View Post
    Is there a link somewhere to the actual report including the 36 recommendations? I would prefer to read it myself rather than read what was written about it by someone else.
    Staff or Wire should have written this article. Those dudes can bring it.


  10. #10

    UL 1984, 1999 . . . . Re: University in transition: Teams to plan future for UL

    Quote Originally Posted by Sugar Land Cajun View Post
    _ Many have opined that a major priorit is a campus beautification project and taking care of older buildings. I was just looking at the ULM Scout website and they have pictures of their "Reclaiming the Campus" photos and what their President has done over the past 2-3 years to beautify their campus. And, I have to say it is a very attractive campus with the bayou running through it. Their President took over with an athletic department deficit, run-down buildings, the school nearing fiscal insolvency and in just a few short years turned things around greatly. Even football is beating teams like Alabama while we lose to McNeese. It is time for a new President and Dr. S has a full plate in front of him. But, the challenges are exciting with a magical pot at the end of the rainbow. It is truly time for this "sleeping giant" to awaken as we have been saying now for some 30 years. It is now or never for UL. I, for one, cannot wait for him to take over, announce new initiatives, and turn this whole thing around. I suspect Scott Farmer is waiting for Dr. S as well so that all of the new athletic initiatives can be announced under Dr. S' leadership, which is as it should be. _
    I agree whole heartedly!


  11. #11

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: University in transition: Teams to plan future for UL

    Quote Originally Posted by ulforlife View Post
    _ lame

    she needs to worry about other things _
    Marsha needs to worry about selling readers not papers!


  12. #12

    Default Re: University in transition: Teams to plan future for UL

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeebart21 View Post
    Staff or Wire should have written this article. Those dudes can bring it.

    Just imagine if they had collaborated on it!

    Holy crap, it'd be the kind of gernalism even a guy like me could like.

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