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Thread: HUD and Vandy

  1. #121

    Default Re: HUD and Vandy

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    I also think having a minority coach helps Vandy when it comes to recruiting. Helps combat some of the stereotypes associated with schools like Vandy. Especially a guy from a similar institution.
    Mason is their #1 choice for the job, Williams has interviewed both current Coordinators already.

  2. #122

    Default Re: HUD and Vandy

    If I was Mason, I would jump all over that job! HaHaHa!!!!!

  3. #123

    Default Re: HUD and Vandy

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    That confirms that it will all be done at the coaches convention.
    Or the Indianapolis Airport. Happens all the time.

  4. #124

    Default Re: HUD and Vandy

    Jeff Lockridge (@jefflockridge) tweeted at 5:39 PM on Mon, Jan 13, 2014:
    As coaching search gets rolling, #Vandy AD Williams tells @1025TheGame last search VU was in selling mode; this time VU is in buying mode.

  5. UL Football Re: HUD and Vandy

    Quote Originally Posted by DaddyCajun View Post
    Thanks Cajun T!!! Also, Huds contract as of this year only has a $250,000 buyout, right? If so, I sure hope for the PROGRAMS sake that Scott Farmer and Dr Savoie, have enough fore sight to make the buyout part of the contract a $MILLION$. Bumping Hud and his Assistants pay is one thing and extending his contract is another, BUT if Vandy(some big money Uni)comes calling its done, LOUISIANA MUST have a HUGE buyout!
    Those huge buyouts only work for a guy looking for a bigger gig or a first head job. Hud now holds all the cards, and will never agree to a buyout that would actually cause him any pain. Nor would you, or I agree to anything that causes us pain we need not accept.

  6. #126

    Default Re: HUD and Vandy

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    Those huge buyouts only work for a guy looking for a bigger gig or a first head job. Hud now holds all the cards, and will never agree to a buyout that would actually cause him any pain. Nor would you, or I agree to anything that causes us pain we need not accept.
    Agree. Why would Hud agree to any huge buyout or a home and home stipulations this go around?? He has ALL the leverage. This will be important for the next coach.

  7. #127

    Default Re: HUD and Vandy

    Because he wants more money and more years.

  8. #128

    Default Re: HUD and Vandy

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunJack55 View Post
    Agree. Why would Hud agree to any huge buyout or a home and home stipulations this go around?? He has ALL the leverage. This will be important for the next coach.
    Because it is my understanding that the departing coach rarely pays the buyout himself anyway. Usually, the institution that he is going to does this as part of his deal.

  9. UL Football Re: HUD and Vandy

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    I'm no Farmer apologist...but I'm not blinded enough to think that Hud would sign an extension before he knew his value.
    Here is the thing, he is being paid his value. He would accept the Vandy offer if offered. So for him to come to spineless Farmer and say Vandy offered this or that how much will you offer is laughable because if Vandy offered he would be gone. The two offers are not equivalent period. Even a spineless, brainless Farmer understands this.

    UL-L offer is a reward and a balm to Hud. It will keep him here instead of say USM, but not an SEC offer.

  10. #130

    Default Re: HUD and Vandy

    Quote Originally Posted by zephyr View Post
    Because it is my understanding that the departing coach rarely pays the buyout himself anyway. Usually, the institution that he is going to does this as part of his deal.
    That is correct but some of those schools hiring could make a final decision partly based on how much they have to pay and Hud could see that as a down side and hurt his chances to landing a bigger gig.

  11. #131

    Default Re: HUD and Vandy

    Quote Originally Posted by zephyr View Post
    Because it is my understanding that the departing coach rarely pays the buyout himself anyway. Usually, the institution that he is going to does this as part of his deal.
    Exactly. So HUD agreeing to a huge buyout now would make him less attractive to the institutions who would be covering the buyout at some later point. We would have to make the deal very attractive otherwise (big salary, many years) to account for that. Hopefully we are smart enough and have enough money to do that.

  12. #132

    Default Re: HUD and Vandy

    Jeremy Fowler (@JFowlerCBS) tweeted at 4:10 PM on Mon, Jan 13, 2014:
    Former #Vandy coach told me a few big VU boosters called him to gather thoughts on three coaches: Derek Mason, Chad Morris, Kirby Smart

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