Cajuns 79 ULLM 81 1:55 left 1st OT
Long fouls out with 21 points, 19 in second half
Cajuns 79 ULLM 81 1:55 left 1st OT
Long fouls out with 21 points, 19 in second half
Cajuns 81 ULLM 81 1:30 left 1st OT
Cajuns 81 ULLM 83 1:00 left 1st OT
Cajuns 84 ULLM 83 0:40 left 1st OT
Cajuns 84 ULLM 85 0:25.8 left 1st OT
Cajuns 84 ULLM 85 0:15 left 1st OT
Payton shooting 2 free throws
James for ULLM fouls out
Cajuns 85 ULLM 85 0:15 left 1st OT
Payton makes 1 of 2
Cajuns 85 ULLM 85 0:02.3 left 1st OT
ULLM ball ULLM timeout
Can we not play defense?
Cajuns 85 ULLM 85 headed to 2nd OT
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