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Thread: 50-50 Tickets Sales

  1. #1

    UL Baseball 50-50 Tickets Sales

    I assume most fans know the Diamond Darlings don't sell tickets in the stands anymore. As a result the income for each game has been reduced. The pots seem to be less and less.

    Several requests have been made to have the selling of 50 - 50 begin again in the stands. Yesterday this request was made again. The Diamond Darling said the change came from Tony himself and it would not change back.

    The Diamond Darling indicated that some of the girls were complaining about being "groped' in the stands.

    Just a FYI.

  2. #2

    Default Re: 50 - 50 Tickets Sales

    Quote Originally Posted by DeadRed View Post
    The Diamond Darling indicated that some of the girls were complaining about being "groped' in the stands.
    Pathetic. Period.

  3. #3

    Default Re: 50 - 50 Tickets Sales

    i thought i saw some young lady on the first base side stands (sunday at the end by cooking club) selling tickets.. ?

    ps. she was sitting at a table and not walking into the crowd

  4. #4

    Default Re: 50 - 50 Tickets Sales

    Quote Originally Posted by snote View Post
    _ i thought i saw some young lady on the first base side stands (sunday at the end by cooking club) selling tickets.. ?

    ps. she was sitting at a table and not walking into the crowd _
    You are correct. They have three stations but, are not allowed to roam from box to box - seat to seat anymore.

  5. #5

    Default Re: 50 - 50 Tickets Sales

    Yeah I had heard the same story about Robe making them stay at the designated areas. I think a few bad apples spoiled the bunch. But I understand Robes stance on this issue. Crap like that happening in the stands can not be tolerated.

  6. #6

    Default Re: 50 - 50 Tickets Sales

    Yet they had no problems walking around handing out those McDonald's coupons Sunday afternoon.

  7. #7

    Default Re: 50 - 50 Tickets Sales

    Quote Originally Posted by Rebel02 View Post
    _ Yet they had no problems walking around handing out those McDonald's coupons Sunday afternoon. _
    Walking hand out coupons? They are normally standing at the entrance while everyone walks out.

  8. #8

    Default Re: 50 - 50 Tickets Sales

    Yep. They were walking around handing out the McDonald's coupons late in the game.

    Perhaps those in charge of coupons are separate and apart from those in charge of gambling lol

  9. Default Re: 50 - 50 Tickets Sales

    Glad my number was pulled early on in the season. It's not hard to just go up to either the main booth or the satellite booths and buy tickets. I buy my $5 worth every game. Though i agree that cajun baseball received alot more $$ when the girls were selling in the stands.

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