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Thread: Spring Game

  1. #1

    UL Football Spring Game

    I was thinking about UL Spring Sports and the Football Spring Game and was wondering. Does UL still have a Lagniappe Day when all classes are called off and their is a gigantic crawfish boil at Girard Park? If so, why not have Lagniappe Day on a Friday and the Spring game on a Friday and combine both at the Athletic Complex? You want to get the students involved in UL sports, particularly football, then do something to actually get them involved. Have an 11:00 morning softball game, a 1:00 baseball game and a 4:00 football Spring Game. While all the games are going on, the beer and crawfish are going all day and call it all Lagniappe Day, because isn't that exactly what all of that would be? What a great day for students and for UL athletics, plus we would have great crowds for everything and a precursor for the fall football.

  2. Default Re: Spring Game

    Great idea. Are you volunteering to head the Lagniappe Day? I am willing to assist with the crawfish eating, drinking and enjoying some great sporting events. I move we begin now!!!!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Spring Game

    Quote Originally Posted by Gbbaseball7 View Post
    _ Great idea. Are you volunteering to head the Lagniappe Day? I am willing to assist with the crawfish eating, drinking and enjoying some great sporting events. I move we begin now!!!! _

    I can't do anything from here in Houston. Just wondering if UL still has Lagniappe Day and, if so, why not move it to coincide with Spring Sports and get the students involved in UL athletics. Can someone confirm if Lagniappe Day is still a tradition at UL and when it occurs? I'll forward my suggestion to Scott Farmer.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Spring Game

    The past few spring semesters that I attended at UL there was no "Lagniappe day" (spelling?) Friday classes already let out at noon. I like the idea, it's just getting the people from the park, to the stadium (with drinking and all). I say just have it at Cajun field like a tailgate. It will be a warm up for the team with the game and a warm up for the tailgaters! haha You know to make sure we can still eat good food and consume beer while doing so.

  5. #5
    CajunZ1's Avatar CajunZ1 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Spring Game

    Lagniappe Day is near the end of every spring semester. It's at Blackham and it features a live band with all kinds of activities. Students with a meal plan got in free, and students pay 10 bucks (I think). I just graduated in December and I can vouch that I was there every spring taking advantage of all you can eat crawfish!

    This event had no connection with anything in athletics that I know of, but it would be a good idea to have some kind of push to build excitement.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Spring Game

    Actually this day came about due to athletics. When our nationally ranked basketball program got the death penalty they started it to have something in the spring since we could not field a team for 2 years.


  7. #7

    Default Re: Spring Game

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunZ1 View Post
    _ Lagniappe Day is near the end of every spring semester. It's at Blackham and it features a live band with all kinds of activities. Students with a meal plan got in free, and students pay 10 bucks (I think). I just graduated in December and I can vouch that I was there every spring taking advantage of all you can eat crawfish!

    This event had no connection with anything in athletics that I know of, but it would be a good idea to have some kind of push to build excitement. _
    Damn it, I'm so far out of the loop!

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