Watching the Louisville v Miami bowl game. Louisville goes by just Louisville and not and uses an "L" on most things as their reference (see band drums). We use Louisiana only because University of Louisiana is illegal without the city tag. But, we try to use UL which is also illegal and most call us ULL. Why are we not using an "L" along with Louisiana to be perfectly legal in every reference? Michigan uses an "M", Nebraska uses an "N", Minnesota uses an "M", Nevada uses an "N", etc. Why can't we go to an "L" and Louisiana and use what is legal? Of course, the administration needs to stick with this and maintain a firm stance in its use. At least it is all legal and makes the most sense. I am tired of fighting a losing battle Why fight a losing with use of UL. We finally went to Louisiana and it is time to use an "L" to go along win it.