Unless the Texas job causes a chain reaction affecting HUD,he's at UL another 12 months. What are the expectations? Are we buried in the Sunbelt throughout his tenure? I believe that given the recruiting limitations of this low tier conference, things are as good as they are going to get . UL won't attract the athlete we need until somebody steps up and saves us from the sunbelt. Schools like K-State and Arkansas, who we are disappointed to lose to, have had 50+ years of better recruiting classes.
What is being done to keep the train running ? Is HUD going to get an outpouring of support, or will things remain the same? He's won 27 games and 3 bowl games and the facility looks the same as the bustle years. When will the facility improvements begin? Is there urgency within the administration? What's the operating budget looking like? Will he be able to afford the best assistants? Can we keep coach Johnson?
Where are the bulldozers??
It would be nice, before signing day, for recruits to know we aren't just blowing smoke.