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Thread: Legislative audit: University of Louisiana at Lafayette mismanaging funds

  1. Default Legislative audit: University of Louisiana at Lafayette mismanaging funds

    The University of Louisiana at Lafayette is mismanaging public funds and assets, according to a Louisiana legislative audit released this morning.

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  2. #2

    Default Re: Legislative audit: University of Louisiana at Lafayette mismanaging funds

    I detest government waste and mismanagement as much as anyone but come on, this headline makes it sound like a bigs candle. The reality is we're talking about $36,000 actually lost or stolen according to that article.

    Is this another case of a sensational headline being written / fabricated in moanroe?

    BTW, speaking of Gannet activities in moanroe notice what is missing in the sports story lineup in the News Star?|more

  3. Default Re: Legislative audit: University of Louisiana at Lafayette mismanaging funds

    As a writer Megan Wyatt is no fan of UL.

    She uses "at Lafayette" in every article she writes, including sports only articles.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Legislative audit: University of Louisiana at Lafayette mismanaging funds

  5. #5

    Default Re: Legislative audit: University of Louisiana at Lafayette mismanaging funds

    Who gives a!!

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post

    teck actually sold $50,000 worth of tickets?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Legislative audit: University of Louisiana at Lafayette mismanaging funds

    Wow, nice sensationalist headline Advertiser. I took a quick look at the actual report. It looks like the bulk of this "mismanagement" comes from the theft of some scrap metal and a cell phone from the New Iberia Research Center.
    And if my math is correct the audit found that 0.01% of the budget was mismanaged. Yeah, that's "mismanagement" to the Advertiser.

    The audit is good. They dig deep and find procedural/accounting errors which are then corrected by the University. But that headline. Geez.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Legislative audit: University of Louisiana at Lafayette mismanaging funds

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    Wow, nice sensationalist headline Advertiser. I took a quick look at the actual report. It looks like the bulk of this "mismanagement" comes from the theft of some scrap metal and a cell phone from the New Iberia Research Center.
    And if my math is correct the audit found that 0.01% of the budget was mismanaged. Yeah, that's "mismanagement" to the Advertiser.

    The audit is good. They dig deep and find procedural/accounting errors which are then corrected by the University. But that headline. Geez.
    Keep in mind that the headlines are written in moanroe from what we were told some time back. I'm not familiar with the writer.

    Edit: the headline has been changed on the Advertiser's website.

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