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Thread: Contact ESPN, Inc.

  1. #49

    Default Re: Contact ESPN, Inc.

    I think I have a pretty good idea of how this mistake happened. ESPN contracts a third party company called Sportvision to superimpose the first down lines and other graphics onto the field. So there's a non-ESPN employee sitting in the dome somewhere who is ultimately controlling this. He is the one who probably goofed and put the wrong logo on the field.

    Of course I'm not saying ESPN isn't to blame. It's ultimately their fault. They should have quality controls in place that prevent this from happening and someone should have noticed it during the game and corrected it. That just seems like the most logical explanation for why only that logo was wrong.

  2. #50


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    I think I have a pretty good idea of how this mistake happened. ESPN contracts a third party company called Sportvision to superimpose the first down lines and other graphics onto the field. So there's a non-ESPN employee sitting in the dome somewhere who is ultimately controlling this. He is the one who probably goofed and put the wrong logo on the field.

    Of course I'm not saying ESPN isn't to blame. It's ultimately their fault. They should have quality controls in place that prevent this from happening and someone should have noticed it during the game and corrected it. That just seems like the most logical explanation for why only that logo was wrong.
    Then explain why Lafayette's logo is used for our games on a fairly consistent basis...

  3. UL Football Re: Contact ESPN, Inc.

    Leopard supporter wanting tv time for his alma mater.

  4. #52

    Default Re: Contact ESPN, Inc.

    Quote Originally Posted by bigearl View Post
    Then explain why Lafayette's logo is used for our games on a fairly consistent basis...
    Hell if I know. I was just guessing at this particular situation.

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