UL — Pearson Cross enlightens University of Louisiana students of the intricacies of politics on weekdays and strings piano notes together to form intricate classical jazz pieces on weekend nights.

“Since I turned 50, I’ve had a number of ‘firsts,’” Cross said recently. “I got married for the first time. Got fired. Had a baby. Got cancer, got cured — I hope. Got a new job in Lafayette. Now my father lives with me as well. We have a household with an 18-month-old and a 90-year-old in it — any and perhaps all of these are life-changing events. Makes life interesting.”

Cross, now 55, lives with his wife of three years, Lisa, and their 18-month-old son, Elias — along with two cats rescued from the local shelter and a black Schnauzer.

“Hopefully I’ll have genes like my father,” Cross said of his 90-year-old father. “He drives all over the state. Has a girlfriend. Works out. He’s a great guy. He’s actually remodeling our pantry and creating an office for me and a workspace for my wife.”

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