_ In the last few days, there were reports that Microsoft is planning to bring back the Start Menu in Windows 8. The biggest question is, how will the Start Menu look like? And how will it function? Joseph Machalani, an_UX,_UI & Branding Architect blogged about his project on fixing Windows 8. In his project, he discussed about fixing the jarring difference between desktop and Metro work environment,_new_Windows Explorer UI with icons and more. More importantly, he brings back_the Start Menu in his_concept. His description of the_proposed Start Menu,_ If we want to separate the Desktop and Metro environment we need a way for each of them to access apps, files and basic features like search, notifications and settings. Since we need to kick out the Metro Start Screen and Charms bar from the Desktop, let’s just bring back the good ol’ Start menu that worked so good for all these years. If you hate it, who cares, you’ll be in the Metro environment anyways! This is not the old...

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Microsoft News