Apparently it's the neaux geaux bus
Apparently it's the neaux geaux bus
Neaux-body wants to just go to the game and come back!!!
Please bookmark this thread for when somone eventually moans about not having a bus to road games next year.
Don't smash them unless they get in your face and bow up on you, Hammer. I can't imagine that many of those scrawny pasty dinks want to take a jaw cracker from you. But regardless, I wouldn't punch them for name calling. We'll be punching the world if we hit everyone that uses one of the 50 names derived from our own institution's incoherent name strategy.
How could we not have numerous name amalgamations when our bold branding campaign involves kowtowing to any and all objections?
We truly need to win on the field. That will help our cause way more than fighting some amped up Toolame punkster.
I fail to recall UL, USL or a any form of our former names referring to us as University of Slow Learner, OhLaLa, U.L.L.L.
I checked with the criminal sheriff, and it is OK to punch out a Lamer who stoops to those things. Be sure to record the incident in order to be vindicated.
I find it odd this bus wasn't booked up (plus a few more) with as many tickets as we sold. It must not have been advertised well. I've done bus trips into NO on many occasion, dating back to college. Great way to get in, party, get out... when you either can't stay, or can't afford to stay overnight.
Geaux Bus, I believe, is the on campus bus system.
I'm going to wear a single white glove along with my red thong as I saunter around the streets of New Orleans. If anyone uses one of those unacceptable mockeries of our university name... I'm going to remove my thong and slap them across the face with it... with an obvious glare of contempt.
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