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Thread: UL to demolish old apartments

  1. Louisiana Campus UL to demolish old apartments

    UL — The University of Louisiana plans to demolish five married student housing buildings to expand Legacy Park, a new on-campus apartment community near Girard Park.

    The demolition of the two-story brick and cinder block buildings — collectively 40 married housing units — will make way for an expansion of the popular Legacy Park complex from 466 beds to about 600 beds, ULL Physical Plant Director Bill Crist said.

    The new units should help shorten a waiting list for on-campus housing that continues to grow.

    “The demand is as high as when we first opened (Legacy Park). It has not dwindled at all,” said Dawn Miller, assistant director of housing at ULL.

    She said students wait about a semester for a room at Legacy Park.

    It offers one-, two- and three-bedroom apartments with private baths in each room and a shared kitchen, living room and patio.

    The rest of the story

    Advocate Acadiana

  2. #2

    Default Re: UL to demolish old apartments

    Vet Village? They need to go, when i was working the housing maintenance beat they were a constant hassle, but so was Legacy Park not long after they were built, so I feel sorry for the poor saps working that job now. Anybody know the expiration dates of Denbo and Bancroft? from what i remember they were planning on knocking those out too in the near future.

  3. #3

    Default Re: UL to demolish old apartments

    this is good news

  4. #4
    rhineaux's Avatar rhineaux is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: UL to demolish old apartments

    Quote Originally Posted by shasta View Post
    _ Vet Village? They need to go, when i was working the housing maintenance beat they were a constant hassle, but so was Legacy Park not long after they were built, so I feel sorry for the poor saps working that job now. Anybody know the expiration dates of Denbo and Bancroft? from what i remember they were planning on knocking those out too in the near future. _
    What's Vet Village? Is that a real place or is that a "pet name" for one of the other buildings.

    I always thought that they could also relocate the physical plant to a site off campus, or maybe behind the Goodwill, and expand Legacy Park all the way to that coulee.

  5. Ragin' Cajuns Re: UL to demolish old apartments

    "She said students wait about a semester for a room at Legacy Park."

    Any of those students waiting for a room at Legacy Park want a couple rooms at Campus Edge?? My room mate and I are trying to move ASAP.

    Anyway, UL needs to do something if it wants to compete. Campus Edge, Campus Crossings, The Quarters and the new University House - Acadiana are stepping on Legacy Park's toes.

  6. #6

    Default Re: UL to demolish old apartments

    Quote Originally Posted by rhineaux View Post
    What's Vet Village? Is that a real place or is that a "pet name" for one of the other buildings.
    "Vet Village" is short for veterans village. It was an area of campus used during and after WWII to house veterans and later converted to married student housing. Some of the older buildings in that area of campus are probably still remnants of that complex. HL Griffin and Rougeau Hall are on the site of old buildings left over from the WWII training program. It was called "Little Abbeville" because it felt like walking to Abbevile to get there.

  7. #7

    Default Re: UL to demolish old apartments

    Quote Originally Posted by HelmutVII View Post
    _ "Vet Village" is short for veterans village. It was an area of campus used during and after WWII to house veterans .................... It was called "Little Abbeville" because it felt like walking to Abbevile to get there. _
    Couldn't have afforded to finish UL (USL) without "Vet Village". 2 BR, 2 AC's - $35/month. Geaux Cajuns.

  8. #8

    Default Re: UL to demolish old apartments

    Quote Originally Posted by rhineaux View Post
    What's Vet Village? Is that a real place or is that a "pet name" for one of the other buildings.

    I always thought that they could also relocate the physical plant to a site off campus, or maybe behind the Goodwill, and expand Legacy Park all the way to that coulee.
    I believe they may have answered your question about vet village, in case you don't know where they are, if you go behind legacy they have a bunch of old whitish brick two stories, mostly married grad student housing, i wonder where they are going to put those people, but to be honest those building were falling apart the cabinets were all starting to rot out and they had problems with flooding as evident by the constant sandbagging of the lower floor entrances.

    as far as moving the physical plant I think that would probably cause some problems with commuting to campus for the employees from the plant itself, id say why not add some housing out in other areas, doesnt the university own quite a few acres out where the horse farm used to be and some out by the cajun dome, would be perfect the kids would be right there by the buses, but something definitely does need to be done as housing has been and continues to be an issue, and the old dorms are all pretty much out of shape, so to speak. I think they need to junk all the boys dorms with the exception maybe of the conference center dorms, but since those are the athletic dorms they need to be completely overhauled, so guys dont get turned off by the level of living in the dorms, i know most of the girls dorms are also very old and very much in need of modernization, i doubt much has been done to improve any of them since i graduated. Its a shame.

  9. Default Re: UL to demolish old apartments

    Never forget moving an upright piano to the 2nd floor---or bringing it down!!!! Had a lil help!!!

  10. #10

    Default Re: UL to demolish old apartments

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    _ Never forget moving an upright piano to the 2nd floor---or bringing it down!!!! Had a lil help!!! _
    Didn't know any place in Vet Village had a second floor.

  11. Default Re: UL to demolish old apartments

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunbander View Post

    Any of those students waiting for a room at Legacy Park want a couple rooms at Campus Edge?? My room mate and I are trying to move ASAP.
    Why are you in a hurry to move from Campus Edge? Just curious, I lived in University (Courtyards) House and it was an interesting experience to say the least.

  12. Louisiana Re: UL to demolish old apartments

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun77 View Post
    Why are you in a hurry to move from Campus Edge? Just curious, I lived in University (Courtyards) House and it was an interesting experience to say the least.
    My roomate and I are moving into a house. I'm tired of it, I lived at University House before here. I'm just tired of all the immature people that live here. I'm tired of being woken up at 3 in the morning by some a-hole blaring rap music, when I have to be at work at 6 AM.

    It was fun living here, but it's time to move on.

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